Nurse with Man in Wheelchair Smiling
Protecting Vulnerable Texans
Working with clients, families and communities, HHS aims to protect children, the elderly and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Raising the Bar on Customer Service
HHS works to achieve the highest standards of customer service and make it easier for qualified Texans to find the services and benefits they need.
We are Health and Human Services
Accountable. Responsive. Transparent. These are the values that guide HHS when providing health, protective and social services to millions of qualified Texans.
Help for Older Adults & People with Disabilities. One free call. Talk to a trained professional.
Don't be in the dark about child care. Get informed. Check the state records. Find Texas Child Care.
Does your family know your end-of-life wishes? Complete an advance directive today. Learn about your options.

Featured News

Beware of Possible Phone Scam

Texas Health and Human Services has been made aware of several reports of a possible telephone scam involving people identifying themselves as being from a health agency or insurance company and asking for Social Security numbers and dates of... more

HHS Accepting Applications for Behavioral Health, Aging Texas Well Committees

Texas Health and Human Services is looking for Texans with an interest in improving behavioral health and aging services to be members of the Behavioral Health Advisory Committee and the Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee.

On Nov. 2, faith leaders from across Texas gathered at the Texas State Capitol in Austin to explore how the faith-based community can help find loving homes for thousands of children waiting to be adopted.

Texas Engages Faith Community to Spark More Adoptions

To highlight ways that faith leaders can support children and fragile families, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services hosted a Faith Leader Summit Nov. 2 at the State Capitol in Austin.

HHS Accepting Applications for STAR Kids Advisory Committee

HHS is looking for representatives from advocacy groups, MCOs and providers to become members of the STAR Kids Advisory Committee.