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Federal Highway Administration
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FHWA Organization Chart Text Version

This organization chart depicts the Federal Highway Administration's structure and organizational components as well as reporting relationships.

The topmost box reflects the Office of the Administrator with a solid line going down to the Office of Innovative Program Delivery, the Intelligent Transportation Systems/Joint Program Office (ITS/JPO), the Directors of Field Services, the Office of Technical Services, and to Headquarters and field offices as described below. A dotted line runs from the ITS/JPO box to a dotted line box reflecting the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.

In addition, asterisked narratives near the bottom of the chart reflect the following:

A solid line runs from the Office of the Administrator box to boxes reflecting the following 12 Headquarters offices: Office of Research, Development, and Technology; Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty; Office of Infrastructure; Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs; Office of the Chief Financial Officer; Office of Administration; Office of Operations; Office of Safety; Office of Federal Lands Highway; Office of Chief Counsel; Office of Civil Rights; and the Office of Public Affairs.

Below the "Office of Research, Development, and Technology" are boxes for the Office of Infrastructure Research and Development (R&D), Office of Safety R&D, Office of Operations R&D, Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management, and the Office of Resource Management.

Below the "Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty" are boxes for the Office of Planning, Office of Human Environment, Office of Natural Environment, Office of Project Development and Environmental Review, and the Office of Real Estate Services.

Below the "Office of Infrastructure" are boxes for the Office of Program Administration, the Office of Bridges and Structures, the Office of Asset Management, Pavements, and Construction, and the Office of Transportation Performance Management.

Below the "Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs" are boxes for the Office of Legislative Affairs and Policy Communications, the Office of Transportation Policy Studies, the Office of Highway Policy Information, and the Office of International Programs.

Below the "Office of the Chief Financial Officer" are boxes for the Office of Budget and Finance and the Office of Acquisition and Grants Management.

Below the "Office of Administration" are boxes for the Office of Human Resources, Office of Management Services, and the Office of Information Technology Services.

Below the "Office of Operations" are boxes for the Office of Freight Management and Operations, Office of Transportation Management, and the Office of Transportation Operations.

Below the "Office of Safety" are boxes for the Office of Safety Programs, and the Office of Safety Technologies.

Below the "Office of Federal Lands Highway" are boxes for the Office of Program Development, the Office of Policy and Program Review, the Office of Tribal Transportation, and the Federal Lands Highway Division Offices (Field).

Below the "Office of Public Affairs" are boxes for the Office of Media Relations and the Office of Public Communications.

At the right side of the chart, a solid line runs from the Office of the Administrator box to a box reflecting the Directors of Field Services, which continues down as a solid line down to the Federal-aid Divisions.  A solid line also runs from the Office of the Administrator box to a box reflecting the Office of Technical Services, which continues down as a solid line down to the Resource Center and the National Highway Institute.

* The Office of the Administrator includes the Administrator, Deputy Administrator, and the Executive Director. The Office of Innovative Program Delivery, Directors of Field Services (DFS), Office of Technical Services (OTS), and the Executive Secretariat are extensions of the Executive Director's office. The DFSs provide administrative supervision and leadership on strategic initiatives to their constituent Federal-aid division offices. The OTS is responsible for the Resource Center and the National Highway Institute.

** The Intelligent Transportation Systems/Joint Program Office (ITS/JPO), which has a departmentwide role and authority for coordinating ITS program activities and initiatives, is organizationally located within FHWA. The Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology has primary responsibility for the strategic oversight and direction of the ITS/JPO, including but not limited to, providing policy guidance for ITS programs and activities and coordinating ITS research within the Department. The FHWA Administrator is responsible for ensuring the continuing availability of professional, technical, and administrative services to support the ITS/JPO.

Page last modified on August 24, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000