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National Health Expenditure Data

National Health Expenditure Accounts are comprised of the following:

National Health Expenditures

  • Historical spending measures annual health spending in the U.S. by type of good or service delivered (hospital care, physician and clinical services, retail prescription drugs, etc.) and source of funding for those services (private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, out-of-pocket spending, etc.).
  • Projections are based on the National Health Expenditures and are estimates of spending for health care in the U.S. over the next decade. Projections are presented by type of good or service delivered (hospital care, physician and clinical services, retail prescription drugs, etc.) and by source of funding for those services (private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, out-of-pocket spending, etc.).

Age and Gender Estimates

  • Personal health care (PHC) spending by type of good or service and by source of funding (private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, out-of-pocket, and all other payers and programs) is available for five age groups: 0-18, 19-44, 45-64, 65-84, and 85 and over and for males and females.

State Health Expenditures

  • Personal health care (PHC) expenditures by State of Provider are estimates of health spending by the location of health care providers in the 50 States and in the District of Columbia. These estimates are presented by the type of good or service (hospital care, physician and clinical services, retail prescription drugs, etc.) and by source of funding (Medicare and Medicaid).
  • Personal health care (PHC) expenditures by State of Residence are based on State of Provider estimates adjusted for the flow of residents between states in order to consume health care services. These estimates present health spending on behalf of residents in the 50 States and in the District of Columbia. Included are estimates of aggregate and per capita health spending by type of good or service  (hospital care, physician and clinical services, retail prescription drugs, etc.). Per enrollee spending for Medicare and Medicaid are  presented by type of good or service  and per enrollee private health insurance is presented in aggregate.  

Sponsors: Business, Household and Government Health Care Spending

  • Estimates of health care spending by sponsor: Businesses, Households and Governments. These estimates provide context for discussion of who ultimately pays for health care, the underlying pressures and the burden that affect these sponsors and their decisions to finance health care in the United States. The estimates are derived from a subset of the National Health Expenditure Accounts.

NHEA Related Studies

  • Papers related to the National Health Expenditures Accounts