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Health Care Financing Review

While the Health Care Financing Review (HCFR) served its readership and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) well for 30 years, changes in CMS programs, along with new publication technology options, directed a change in editorial focus and dissemination medium. This, and the belief that it is essential for the agency to have a peer-reviewed publication to serve as an authoritative medium for disseminating high-quality and relevant research to a wide audience of Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance stakeholders, presented an opportunity in 2010 for a new journal, the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review (MMRR)

The legacy of the HCFR is preserved and enhanced. All past HCFR articles are fully accessible electronic files. You may search all past HCFR articles (click “HCFR Articles at PubMed Central" below) and download searchable-text PDF documents of articles published between 1979 and 2009.  The HCFR is also searchable on the Web site, at

All published material that appears in HCFR is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; however, citation to source is appreciated.