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International Energy Outlook 2016

Release Date: May 11, 2016   |   Next Release Date: September 2017   |  Report Number: DOE/EIA-0484(2016)

Reference case projections tables (2011-40)

Table Title Format
Summary reference case (2011-40)  
Table A1. World total primary energy consumption by region  
Table A2. World total energy consumption by region and fuel  
Table A3. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity  
Table A4. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in market exchange rates  
Table A5. World liquids consumption by region  
Table A6. World natural gas consumption by region  
Table A7. World coal consumption by region  
Table A8. World nuclear energy consumption by region  
Table A9. World consumption of hydroelectricity and other renewable energy by region  
Table A10. World carbon dioxide emissions by region  
Table A11. World carbon dioxide emissions from liquids use by region  
Table A12. World carbon dioxide emissions from natural gas use by region  
Table A13. World carbon dioxide emissions from coal use by region  
Table A14. World population by region  
Table Title Format
High economic growth case projection (2011-40)  
Table B1. World total primary energy consumption by region
Table B2. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity
Table Title Format
Low Economic Growth case projections (2011-40)  
Table C1. World total primary energy consumption by region
Table C2. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity
Table Title Formats
High oil price case projections (2011-40)  
Table D1. World total primary energy consumption by region
Table D2. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity
Table D3. World liquids consumption by region
Table Title Formats
Low oil price case projections (2011-40)  
Table E1. World total primary energy consumption by region
Table E2. World gross domestic product (GDP) by region expressed in purchasing power parity
Table E3. World liquids consumption by region
Table Title Formats
Reference case projections by end-use sector and country groupings (2011-40)  
Table F1. Total world delivered energy consumption by end-use sector and fuel
Table F2. Total OECD delivered energy consumption by end-use sector and fuel
Table F3. Delivered energy consumption in the United Sttes by end-use sector and fuel
Table F4. Delivered energy consumption in Canada by end-use sector and fuel
Table F5. Delivered energy consmptopm in Mexico and Chile by end-use sector and fuel
Table F6. Delivered energy consumption in OECD Europe by end-use sector and fuel
Table F7. Delivered energy consumption in Japan by end-use sector and fuel
Table F8. Delivered energy consumption in South Korea by end-use sector and fuel
Table F9. Delivered energy consumption in Australia/New Zealand by end-use sector and fuel
Table F10. Total Non-OECD delivered energy consumption by end-use sector and fuel
Table F11. Delivered energy consumption in Russia by end-use sector and fuel
Table F12. Delivered energy consumption in other Non-OECD Europe and Eurasia by end-use sector and fuel
Table F13. Delivered energy consumption in China by end-use sector and fuel
Table F14. Delivered energy consumption in India by end-use sector and fuel
Table F15. Delivered energy consumption in Other Non-OECD Asia by end use sector and fuel
Table F16. Delivered energy consumption in the Middle East by end-use sector and fuel
Table F17. Delivered energy consumption in Africa by end-use sector and fuel
Table F18. Delivered energy consumption in Brazil by end-use sector and fuel
Table F19. Delivered energy consumption in Other Non-OECD Americas by end-use sector and fuel
Table Title Formats
Projections of petroleum and other liquids production in three cases (2011-40)  
Table G1. World petroleum and other liquids production by region and country
Table G2. World crude oil production by region and country
Table G3. International other liquid fuels production by region and country
Table G4. World petroleum and other liquuids production by region and country
Table G5. World crude oil production by region and country
Table G6. World other liquid fuelsa production by region and country
Table G7. World petroleum and other liquids production by region and country
Table G8. World crude oil production by region and country
Table G9. World other liquid fuelsa production by region and country
Table Title Formats
Reference case projections for electricity capacity and generation by fuel (2011-40)  
Table H1. World total installed generating capacity by region and country
Table H2. World installed liquids-fired generating capacity by region and country
Table H3. World installed natural gas-fired generating capacity by region and country
Table H4. World installed coal-fired generating capacity by region and country
Table H5. World installed nuclear generating capacity by region and country
Table H6. World installed hydroelectric and other renewable generating capacity by region and country
Table H7. World installed hydroelectric generating capacity by region and country
Table H8. World installed wind-powered generating capacity by region and country
Table H9. World installed geothermal generating capacity by region and country
Table H10. World installed solar generating capacity by region and country
Table H11. World installed other renewable generating capacity by region and country
Table H12. World total net electricity generation by region and country
Table H13. World net liquids-fired electricity generation by region and country
Table H14. World net natural-gas-fired electricity generation by region and country
Table H15. World net coal-fired electricity generation by region and country
Table H16. World net nuclear electricity generation by region and country
Table H17. World net hydroelectric and other renewable electricity generation by region and country
Table H18. World net hydroelectric electricity generation by region and country
Table H19. World wind-powered electricity generation by region and country
Table H20. World net geothermal electricity generation by region and country
Table H21. World net solar electricity generation by region and country
Table H22. World net other renewable electricity generation by region and country
Table Title Formats
Reference case projections for natural gas production (2012-40)  
Table I1. World total natural gas production by region
Table I2. World tight gas, shale gas and coalbed methane production by region
Table I3. World other natural gas production by region
Table I4. World net trade in natural gas by region
Table Title Formats
Kaya Identity factor projections (2011-40)  
Table J1. World carbon dioxide intensity of energy use by region
Table J2. World energy intensity by region
Table J3. World gross domestic product (GDP) per capita by region expressed in purchasing power parity
Table J4. World population by region