The Spot Bid Advisor analyzes Spot price history to help you determine a bid price that suits your needs. You should weigh your application’s tolerance for interruption and your cost saving goals when selecting a Spot instance and bid price. The lower your frequency of being outbid, the longer your Spot instances are likely to run without interruption.

Tip: Deploying your application across many instance types will further enhance availability. Consider using Spot fleet, which makes diversification across multiple instance types and availability zones easier.

We recommend starting with instance types having lower frequency of being outbid and adding more instance types as you improve your application’s flexibility and fault tolerance. See the Best Practices section for more tips and tricks.

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* Savings compared to On-Demand are based on the selected bid price, and calculated over the last 30 days, excluding any time your instance would not be running because you would have been outbid. Please note that price history data is averaged across availability zones and may be delayed. To view current Spot prices, visit the Spot Price History in the AWS Console for up to date pricing information for each availability zone.

Frequency of being outbid represents the average duration between the Spot price exceeding your selected bid price (during the trailing month or week).
High - Less than 2 days
Medium - More than 2 days
Low - Spot price did not exceed bid price during the trailing month or week

For more examples on how to use Spot price history to build price aware applications please visit (aws-spot-labs).