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The composite image shows some of the chemical species measured in a flat premixed flame at the Advanced Light Source.12.01.11Science Highlight

Peering into the Flame

New insights from synchrotron-based studies are helping to assess the potential of new biofuels. Read More »

In carrier multiplication (CM), a single photon from sunlight creates two electron-hole pairs12.01.11Science Highlight

Nanocrystal Solar Cells Squeeze Extra Juice Out of Sunlight

Laboratory measurements of “carrier multiplication” verified in real solar energy photovoltaic devices made of tiny quantum dots. Read More »

Movement and coalescence of catalyst particles in response to aging in fuel cells.12.01.11Science Highlight

Fuel Cell Catalysts Caught in the Act of Aging

Researchers have captured the first three-dimensional images of changes in shape, composition, and position of individual catalyst particles during electrochemical cycling. Read More »

Spectroscopic Fingerprinting12.01.11Science Highlight

A New Tool to Probe the Inner Workings of Rechargeable Batteries

A new spectroscopic “fingerprinting” technique has been developed at a DOE user facility to identify chemical degradation products deep inside a working rechargeable battery. Read More »

Atomic tomography image showing precipitates in an aluminum alloy.12.01.11Science Highlight

New Aluminum Alloys for Energy-Efficient Transportation

High resolution imaging of atomic structure results in improved design of aluminum alloys. Read More »

Doping Co2ZnO4 with nickel (Ni)11.01.11Science Highlight

Holes Are a Positive Thing: Designing Conductors for Solar Photovoltaics

Predicted by theory, and confirmed by experiments, novel materials are being discovered to improve photovoltaic efficiency. Read More »

Hierarchically porous electrode made of self-assembled functionalized graphene sheets.10.01.11Science Highlight

Graphene-based Electrode Leads to Highest Capacity Lithium-Air Batteries

New approach to molecular self-assembly produces porous, thin films of carbon (aka graphene), enabling high-capacity electrodes for lithium-air batteries. Read More »

Molten droplet of Ames Lab lead free solder, an alloy of tin, silver, and copper04.01.11Science Highlight

A Revolutionary Advance in Solders – the “Glue” for Electronic Components

Ames Laboratory invented a non-toxic, “lead-free” solder that is now used to manufacture electronic components worldwide. Read More »

Computational modeling of uranium oxide ions with aluminum oxide02.01.11Science Highlight

Modeling How Uranium Sticks to Soils

Understanding the interaction of uranium in soils may lead to new ways to clean-up contaminated ground. Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:59:15 PM