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Veterans: Because one good job deserves another, Colorado provides a Priority of Service for military veterans and eligible spouses who are seeking employment or job training services. Veterans visiting Connecting Colorado should click here to learn more about the Priority of Service being offered.

Employers: Finding and hiring the right people for your business requires a major investment of your time and money – costs which directly affect your bottom line. Connecting Colorado offers a more cost effective way of recruiting and hiring. Here, you can post job openings, review résumés and connect with qualified workers. Click on the “Employer” link above to get started.

Job Seekers: Connecting Colorado is part of a state and county-run system that delivers immediate, tangible results for your future. At this secure website, you can post your résumé, apply for a specific job or do a self-directed job search through any of twenty-two different occupational sectors. Connecting Colorado: we’re bringing people and jobs together. Click on the “Job Seeker” link above to get started.

Workforce Centers | Unemployment Insurance Benefits | Labor Market Information | Department of Labor & Employment | Colorado State Government

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Colorado Workforce Center Colorado Department of Labor & Employment