• Daylight savings time is around the corner. Families everywhere will be turning back the clock and checking other safety essentials around the house, like smoke detector batteries. We’d like to encourage Americans to add checking their vehicles for open recalls to their safety checklist. So many of us spend hours in the car commuting to work, driving to school, sports, etc. A quick safety check that takes a couple of minutes can help keep everyone safe on the road. We know: "Safe Cars Save Lives."

    We’d like you to encourage your followers to use NHTSA’s VIN Look-Up tool on SaferCar.gov at least twice a year to see if any of their vehicles are under a recall. To help remember, time the recall check with daylight saving time—every November when setting clocks back and every March when setting clocks forward.

  • The Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA) Awards Ceremony was held on 10/24 in Keystone, where Dee Poeppel received the award for Exemplary Leadership. Nancy Lewis (center)  is the Director of COVA and presented the award.

  • On Oct 6th 2016 Trooper Dennis Rabe was awarded Trooper of the Year by the 100 club of Pueblo.  Trp. Rabe was nominated for the award by Capt. Lyons for his work ethic in the troop and involvement in the community.

  • For more information on registration of an off highway vehicle or aqcuiring a permit please click here
    Check out a video here


  • For more information click here
    Check out a video here

  • For more information click here

  • Click it or Ticket

    Passenger vehicle occupants are buckling up more during the day, but not enough at night. This mobilization is created to crackdown on violators 24-7, but a strong enforcement effort is urged between the nighttime hours of 6 p.m. and 5:59 a.m. due to the significant number of violators and fatal crashes during this time.  

    Click it or ticket PSA

    Learn more about the program

  • Our Family Protecting Yours

  • 502 Traffic Deaths this Year. All preventable.

    Visit CSPFightFatals.com


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