
[Graphic]: Depicts the location of the Six Rivers National Forest in the state of California.The Six Rivers National Forest lies east of Redwood State and National Parks in northwestern California, and stretches southward from the Oregon border for about 140 miles. It encompasses 957,590 National Forest acres and 133,410 acres of other ownership. Smith River National Recreation Area and Orleans, Lower Trinity, and Mad River Ranger Districts make up the Forest. The Forest lies in Del Norte County (43%), Humboldt County (35%), Trinity County (21%), and Siskiyou County (1%). It forms a long, narrow land section, stretching from the Oregon border on the north to Mendocino County on the south.
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Recent News


Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan

Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan Report Cover

In March 2011 the Pacific Southwest Region of the US Forest Service released a statement of its Leadership Intent for Ecological Restoration, which laid out the Region's guiding vision and goals for its stewardship of wildland and forests for the next 15-20 years. The following draft document reflects the Regional leadership's current thinking on how the Leadership Intent will be implemented. This draft is a beginning point for discussions with employees, partners, tribes, agencies, communities of place and interest and those who care about the future of their National Forests. 

Rivers to Ridges Ecological Restoration

The need for ecological restoration has become increasingly important because of the myriad of threats to the Forest’s unique “Rivers to Ridges” landscapes. They include catastrophic wildfire, climate change impacts, drought, insect and disease, and increasing pressures of human population.

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Water Safety Coalition

Salmon River Landscape

The Water Safety Coalition works cooperatively to educate recreationists about water safety hazards and issues in the northwestern California area to reduce injuries and deaths. 

2012 Mushroom Harvesting Policy for Six Rivers National Forest

Morel Mushrooms

The 2012 Mushroom Harvesting Policy for Six Rivers National Forest will go into effect on October 10.


West Ishi Pishi Travel Analyses Process (TAP)

Gravel Road in the Forest Making a Right Turn

The Forest Service is continuing to implement the 2005 Travel Management Rule with the beginning of the West Ishi Pishi Travel Analysis Process.

Citizens Invited to Serve on Del Norte & Humboldt Resource Advisory Committees

Interested citizens  are invited to serve on the Humboldt and Del Norte Resource Advisory Committees (RAC).

Advisory Committees

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Fire Danger Level: High

Special Notices

  • Schedule of Proposed Actions

    Four times a year, the Six Rivers National Forest publishes a quarterly Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) which provides project information, status, and contacts.

  • InciWeb OffSite Link

    Current California wildfire information with related news, closures, and maps.

  • Closure Notices

    Forest and Regional Closures and Restrictions on the Six Rivers National Forest.

  • Beaverslide Re-Offer Stewardship Project
    Advertised Timber and Forest Product Sale reoffer information