Conservation Agreements

Conservation Agreements are mechanisms under the Endangered Species Act that address the needs of fish, wildlife, and plant species through creative partnerships designed to reduce conflicts between endangered species and private land management or development.

Habitat Conservation Plans

A process designed to offset
any harmful effects a
proposed activity might have
on wildlife species while
allowing land management
and activities to proceed.

Safe Harbor Agreements

Voluntary agreements that
benefit endangered and threatened species while
giving the andowners assurances from additional restrictions.

Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances

Formal agreements between the USFWS and non-federal landowners to address the conservation needs of species at risk of being listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Candidate Conservation Agreements

Agreements between
the USFWS and one or more parties to address the conservation needs of
non-listed species.

Photo - Fawn resting (USFWS).

Habitat Conservation Plans in Oregon

Oregon Department of Transportation Statewide HCP for Routine Maintenance Activities
Habitat Conservation Plan
NEPA Environmental Action Statement for Categorical Exclusion
Federal Register Notice

Proposal for Yamhill SWCD HCP

Reopening of 30-Day Public Comment Period
(ends June 8, 2015)
Draft Yamhill Habitat Conservation Plan for Fender's Blue Butterfly on Private Lands
Draft Environmental Assessment for Fender's Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan

Yamhill County ROW HCP
Habitat Conservation Plan: Yamhill County Road Maintenance Activities
Appendices A-C
Appendices D-F
Screening Form for Low-Effect HCP Determinations

Benton County Prairie Species HCP
Finding of No Significant Impact (Jan. 14, 2011)
Findings and Recommendations for Issuance of Incidental Take Permit (Jan. 14, 2011)
Habitat Conservation Plan (December 2010)
HCP Appendices
Environmental Assessment (December 2010)
EA Appendices
Biological Opinion (December 2010)

Western Snowy Plover HCP
Habitat Conservation Plan
Final Environmental Impact Statement
Volume I (18,330 KB)
Volume II (19,938 KB)
Range Map of Oregon Coast
(August 2010)

Oregon HCP Fact Sheets
City of The Dalles HCP
Westlake HCP
Weyerhaeuser-Millicoma Tree Farm HCP

Question & Answer Sheet
Habitat Conservation Plans - Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act

Photo - Oregon White Oak branch with acorn (Wikipedia).

Conservation Agreements in Oregon

Kincaid's Lupine (Lupinus sulphureus spp. kincaidii) on federal lands in Douglas County
Voluntary Agreement for Kincaid's Lupine on private lands in Douglas County
Cook's Lomatium (Lomatium cookii) in the Illinois Valley
Crinite Mariposa Lily (Calochortus coxii)
Wayside Aster (Eucephalus vialis)
Rough Popcorn Flower (Plagiobothrys hirtus) City of Sutherlin
Five rare plant species and their serpentine wetland habitat Westerm Siskiyou Mountains
Mt. Ashland Lupine and Henderson's Horkelia Jackson County, Oregon; Siskiyou County, California
Siskiyou Mountains Salamander Jackson and Josephine Counties

Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances

Greater Sage-Grouse
Baker and Union Counties Final CCAA
Crook and Deschutes Counties Final CCAA
Grant County Final CCAA
Lake County Final CCAA
Malheur County Final CCAA
Harney County Final CCAA

Private Rangelands (Mr. and Mrs. Moore) in Baker and Malheur Counties Final CCAA

Oregon Department of State Lands Comments accepted through May 11, 2015 Draft Environmental Assessment, Draft CCAA


Oregon Spotted Frog

Old Mill District (Federal Register Notice) (Final CCAA) (Screening Document)

Photo - Siskiyou Mountain Salamander (Courtesy of William Flaxington).

Safe Harbor Agreements in Oregon

Northern Spotted Owl
Oregon Dept. of Forestry Safe Harbor Agreement (September 2010)
Northern Spotted Owl Fact Sheet

Willamette Valley Safe Harbor Agreement for Fender's Blue Butterfly
Federal Register Notice of Availability
Safe Harbor Agreement
NEPA Document
Fender's Blue Butterfly Species Fact Sheet

Oregon Silverspot Butterfly
Safe Harbor Agreement for Central Coast (June 2007)
Species Fact Sheet

Oregon Chub
Programmatic Safe Harbor Agreement (2009)
Safe Harbor Agreement for Sprick Pond (2008)
Safe Harbor Agreement for Russell Pond (2001)

Photos - Fender's Blue Butterfly; Oregon Chub; Northern Spotted Owl; Oregon Silverspot Butterfly (USFWS).

Conservation Banks in Oregon

ODOT Conservation Bank (July 2008)
First conservation bank in Oregon

Links to other Landowner Programs in Oregon

Oregon Department of Forestry
Private and Community Forests Program

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Habitat Division

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Eco-Logical Business Program - Goal of program is to prevent and minimize pollution generated by small businesses.

Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds
Oregon Plan - Information on what you can do at home, at work, and as a business owner to become a partner in the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds.

Information on USFWS Programs

Habitat Conservation Plans

A process designed to offset any harmful effects a proposed activity might have on wildlife species while allowing development to proceed.

Safe Harbor Agreements

Voluntary agreements that benefit endangered and threatened species while giving the andowners assurances from additional restrictions.

Candidate Conservation Agreements
Formal agreements between the USFWS and one or more parties to address the conservation needs of non-listed species.

Cadidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances
Formal agreements between  the USFWS and non-federal landowners that address the conservation needs of  species at risk of being federally listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act. The agreements provide non-federal landowners with additional incentives for engaging in voluntary proactive conservation. (Fact Sheet)

Craig Rowland, Supervisor
Conservation Partnerships Division
USFWS-Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office
2600 SE 98th Avenue, Suite 100
Portland, Oregon 97266