Wisconsin Ecological Services Field Office

Midwest Region



Wisconsin Field Office

2661 Scott Tower Drive
New Franken, WI 54229-9565
Phone: 920-866-1717
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Feature Story

Wisconsin Kirtland's Warbler 2016 Season Report


Male Kirtland's warbler.

Photo courtesy of Joel Trick.


September 1, 2016


This season marked the 9th year of Kirtland’s warbler monitoring in Wisconsin. From only seven Kirtland’s found in 2008 to 30 in 2016, we have witnessed a growing and geographically expanding population due to the conservation efforts and support from many dedicated partners and individuals. This season had numerous successes; an expansion in the Adams County breeding site and new breeding areas in northern Wisconsin, continued and new habitat management projects, three field trips, the initiation of research studies, continued projects such as adult and nestling banding and the playback experiment, continuation of the state-wide census, new nest monitors, new and returning partnerships, and the growing public interest and care for this compelling warbler.


On May 14, 2016, the first Kirtland’s of the season was detected at the Adams County site by Ashley Hannah (UW student and Kirtland’s monitor). In the snow, wind, and cold AJPI (a male banded at the site in 2012) was observed low in a red pine. Aged to be 5 years old, AJPI is our third oldest Kirtland’s at the Adams County site. On May 16, four male Kirtland’s were heard by Barry Benson (U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services) while checking cowbird traps. Over the course of the week more Kirtland’s were detected and many of the returning warblers were on territories that they held in previous years.


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Last updated: December 14, 2016