Columbia Ecological Services Office
Midwest Region

Columbia, Missouri
Ecological Services Field Office

Contacting the Office:

Field Supervisor: Amy Salveter

101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A
Columbia, MO 65203-0057
Phone: 573-234-2132
Fax: 573-234-2181
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)

Quick Facts

Missouri is home to 43 federally listed endangered, threatened, or candidate species, including the gray bat, Ozark hellbender, Ozark cavefish, scaleshell mussel, and pondberry. For more information about these and other rare and declining Missouri species, please see our website at


The Columbia Missouri Field Office achieves conservation from the Ozarks to the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and other parts of Missouri through partnerships and collaboration. Efforts include the St. Louis Urban Migratory Bird Treaty to enhance migratory birds for all its citizens, recovery of the endangered Missouri bladderpod to a threatened plant, and promoting stakeholder collaboration on the Missouri River.

Our History

For over 60 years Ecological Services has protected and restored fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats. Our roots trace back to the River Basins Program that reviewed Federal water development projects. Since 1945, Ecological Services’ responsibilities have expanded to include reviews of most Federal construction projects, endangered species, environmental contaminants, and a variety of conservation partnerships and grants.

Project Planning

Through early and wise planning we work to conserve fish and wildlife and their habitats by minimizing the impact of Federal construction projects. Besides traditional Corps of Engineers’ projects and permits, we work on energy development projects (hydro and wind power), highway projects, and proposed activities in National Forests.

USFWS Midwest Region Ecological Services

Environmental Contaminants

The Environmental Contaminants program is the only program in the Federal Government solely responsible for evaluating the impact of environmental contaminants on fish and wildlife. We work to prevent, reduce, and eliminate the adverse effects of environmental contaminants.

USFWS Midwest Region Environmental Contaminants

Missouri Portion of the Tri-State Mining District
Southeast Missouri Lead Mining Sites (SEMO)
Fenton Creek, MO DRAFT Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (58kb .pdf)

Threatened and Endangered Species

Our responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act include conserving declining species before listing is necessary, adding species tothe list of threatened and endangered species; working to recover listed species, and working with other Federal agencies to ensure that their projects do not irreparably harm listed species.

USFWS Midwest Region Endangered Species

Missouri list of federally threatened and endangered species

Section 7 Consultation Guidance


We administer Endangered Species Act grants to provide funding to States, Tribes, organizations, and individuals for listed species conservation activities.


We work to restore habitat on private lands through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. We work with others to restore Great Lakes coastal habitats through our Coastal Program.

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Midwest Ecological Services Home

Last updated: August 26, 2016