The Big Dry Arm Spring Storm in the Great Basin Red Cliffs Desert Tortoise Reserve March Morning on the Platte River After a Spring Storm in the Great Basin Hunting Upland Birds at Kingsbury Lake Waterfowl Production Area Sandhill Migration on the Platte River Badlands Sunrise The Green River at Ouray NWR North Park Lupines Moab Sunset
Utah Ecological Services
Mountain-Prairie Region
Graphic button showing the 8 state mountain prairie region

Surveyor Information


Threatened and Endangered Species Survey Protocols

The following survey protocols were developed to standardize survey efforts for federally listed species. Survey protocols must be followed during all surveys to guarantee acceptance by our office.

Threatened and Endangered Species Training Opportunities

In coordination with the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, we will be offering four threatened and endangered species survey trainings this year.  These trainings are free to attend and are mandatory for those who plan to conduct surveys in Utah for Mexican spotted owls, Utah prairie dogs, southwestern willow flycatchers, western yellow-billed cuckoo, or listed plant species.  We may receive more requests to enroll in the training courses than can be accommodated in the classroom and in the field.  If this is the case, we will consider a number of factors in approving applicants to attend, including: 1) if you have previously completed similar training; 2) if you are enrolled in a survey course in another State; and 3) your survey plans for the species in Utah.

The below trainings are free.  However, you are responsible for arranging and paying for your own transportation, lodging, and meal expenses.  Please share this information with others who may be interested.  If you need more information about a specific training course, please contact the appropriate individual listed above or visit our website

Uinta Basin Rare and Listed Plant Webinar

This training emphasizes policy changes, survey and reporting requirements, and identification of rare plants and their habitats in the Uinta Basin.  Last year we changed the training to a webinar format to allow more people to attend.  We encourage agency, company, and Tribal attendance, in addition to consultants.  It is mandatory that each consultant that plans to conduct plant surveys in the Uinta Basin have a representative attend the webinar, but attendance is not mandatory for all field crews or employees.  We recommend consulting companies that have participated in past training events and have experience working in the Uinta Basin to conduct their own in-house training using materials provided during this webinar and on our  

  • When:  March 1, 20171-4pm MST
  • Where:Via webinar.
  • Registration Deadline: February 24, 2017
  • Contact for registration and additional information:   RitaMay Reyna via e-mail at or by telephone at 801-975-3330 ext. 122.  If you RSVP by email, please put "Uinta Basin Rare Plant Webinar" in the subject line.


Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Training 

This 2-day training emphasizes identification of owl habitats and use of the Fish and Wildlife Service 2012 Mexican spotted owl (MSO) survey protocol in canyon habitats.  This survey training is mandatory for all currently permitted and future permit applicants who plan to conduct Mexican spotted owl surveys in Utah.  Training will include a nighttime calling session north of Moab after class on  March 29.  There will be time to get dinner before we leave for the evening session.  Training will begin at  8 am March 30, and will conclude with a second field session in the afternoon.  Please bring a headlamp, field clothes, binoculars, sun screen, and, if you wish, food and beverages for yourself for the evening and afternoon field sessions. 

  • WhenMarch 29, 2017 (1 - 4:30  pm and  5:30 – 10:00 pm) and March 30 (8 – 9:30 am and  10:30 am – 3:00 pm)
  • Where: BLM Field Office, 82 East Dogwood, Suite M, Moab, Utah
  • Registration DeadlineMarch 15, 2017
  • Contact for registration and additional information: RitaMay Reyna via e-mail at or by telephone at 801-975-3330 ext. 122. 
  • If you RSVP by email, please put "Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Training" in the subject line.  Please also include the following information: email address for each student, organization or company name, phone number, and complete address with city and state.

Completion of the survey training course is a requirement for obtaining an ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) endangered species permit, which is necessary to conduct Mexican spotted owl surveys.  If you intend to conduct surveys this year in Utah and do not hold a permit, please complete a permit application form as soon as possible (available on-line at  

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Survey Training

This training emphasizes identification of southwestern willow flycatcher habitats, species identification by sight and sound, and use of the 2010 survey protocol.  If you have completed a previous training session for southwestern willow flycatcher surveys, it must have included a field portion, otherwise this survey training is mandatory for permit applicants who plan to conduct southwestern willow flycatcher surveys in Utah.  Please bring binoculars, field clothes, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, and, if you wish, food and beverages for yourself for the morning field session. 

  • When: May 18-19, 2016 - The classroom session will begin at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, May 18 and end at approximately 5:00 PM. The field session will begin at 7:00 AM on Thursday, May 19 and end at approximately noon.
  • Where: The training will be held in St. George, Utah.  The classroom session will be held at the St. George Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (345 East Riverside Drive, St. George, Utah 84790).  The exact location of the field session will be determined at the end of the classroom session.
  • Registration Deadline: Close of business on Friday, April 29, 2016.  By Tuesday, May 3rd, we will inform you as to whether or not you are approved to attend.
  • Contact for registration and additional information:  RitaMay Reyna via e-mail at or by telephone at 801-975-3330 ext. 122.  If you RSVP by email, please put "Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Survey Training" in the subject line

Completion of the survey training course is a requirement for obtaining an ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) endangered species permit, which is necessary to conduct southwestern willow flycatcher surveys.  If you intend to conduct surveys this year in Utah and do not hold a permit, please complete a permit application form as soon as possible (available on-line at 


Utah Prairie Dog Survey Training

This training emphasizes identification of Utah prairie dogs and their habitat and use of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2014 Utah prairie dog survey protocol. Please keep in mind that any individual conducting Utah prairie dog surveys must attend our Utah Prairie Dog Survey Training and obtain a certification card. If an organization/agency employs multiple surveyors to conduct Utah prairie dog surveys, each of those surveyors must attend the training and become certified. Surveys conducted by individuals who have not successfully completed the training will be invalid. New trainees must attend the classroom session plus the field session. If you are a returning student (have been certified previously) and have successfully completed Utah prairie dog surveys following the 2014 protocol within the 2015 field season, you can attend the classroom portion only. If you attended between 2013 and 2015, there is no need to attend this year; however, all trainees who attended between 2010-2012 must attend again this year (2016) to keep their certification valid. Please remember to follow the updated survey protocol from May 2014.

  • When: Classroom Session – June 7, 2016, and Field session – June 8, 2016
  • Where: Classroom Portion – Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah Science Center (Building 41), Room 129
  • Registration Deadline: Close of business on Friday, April 29, 2016.  We will notify you of acceptance by Monday, May 16, 2016.
  • Contact for registration and additional information:   RitaMay Reyna via e-mail at or by telephone at 801-975-3330 ext. 122.  If you RSVP by email, please put "Utah Prairie Dog Survey Training" in the subject line.


Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Survey Training

Western yellow-billed cuckoo survey training will be held in Phoenix, AZ (June 23-24, 2016) and Hereford, AZ (July 14-15, 2016).  For more information please visit

  • When: June and July 2016
  • Where: Phoenix, AZ (June 23-24, 2016); Hereford, AZ (July 14-15, 2016)
  • Registration Deadline: To be determined.
  • Contact for registration and additional information:   RitaMay Reyna via e-mail at or by telephone at 801-975-3330 ext. 122.

Completion of the survey training course is a requirement for obtaining an ESA section 10(a)(1)(A) endangered species permit, which is necessary to conduct southwestern willow flycatcher surveys.  If you intend to conduct surveys this year in Utah and do not hold a permit, please complete a permit application form as soon as possible (available on-line at

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American People.
Last modified: January 18, 2017
All Images Credit to and Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Unless Specified Otherwise.
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