Division of Water Resources
Mountain-Prairie Region
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Water Resources Division


Jump to a section: Water Rights | Water Monitoring | Science Support | ESA | Open / close all

  • Male sage-grouse on a lek in Butte County, South Dakota. Credit: Credit: Steve Fairbairn / USFWS.
  • Wyoming toad. Credit: Sara Armstrong / USFWS.
  • Salt Creek Tiger Beetle. Credit: Bradley A. Mills.
  • Salt Creek Tiger Beetle. Credit: Bradley A. Mills.
  • Salt Creek Tiger Beetle. Credit: Bradley A. Mills.

Water Resources Division personnel provide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region with professional assistance in the areas of: hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, water quality, water rights, and water management. Providing these services is achieved through maintaining strong partnerships with Refuges, Fisheries, Federal agencies, State Governments in Region 6, local communities and non-governmental organizations to help protect fish and wildlife resources on behalf of the American people.

  • Water Rights - Staff of the Water Resources Division provide administrative and legal expertise to acquire, protect and maintain Service water rights. Staff also provide water rights training, and facilitate required data collection and record keeping.
  • Water Monitoring – Our personnel installs, maintains, and trains partners to collect water quantity and quality data, which is used to protect and enhance trust resources.
  • Science Support – Water Resources staff provide support for stream, wetland, and riparian investigations for the protection and enhancement of trust resources.
  • ESA – Water Resources personnel provide support to develop and implement river recovery plans that benefit endangered, or threatened, aquatic and riverine species

Water Rights »

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Man at computer working.

Water Rights - Staff of the Water Resources Division provide administrative and legal expertise to acquire, protect and maintain Service water rights. Staff also provide water rights training, and facilitate required data collection and record keeping.

Water Monitoring »

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Man at computer working.

Water Monitoring – Our personnel installs, maintains, and trains partners to collect water quantity and quality data, which is used to protect and enhance trust resources.

Science Support »

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Man at computer working.

Science Support – Water Resources staff provide support for stream, wetland, and riparian investigations for the protection and enhancement of trust resources.



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Man at computer working.

ESA – Water Resources personnel provide support to develop and implement river recovery plans that benefit endangered, or threatened, aquatic and riverine species



The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American People.
Last modified: August 18, 2016
All Images Credit to and Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Unless Specified Otherwise.
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