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This is a Department of Defense (DOD) Computer System. This computer system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices (specifically including Internet access), is provided only for authorized U.S. Government use. DOD computer systems may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure that their use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability, and operational security. Monitoring includes active attacks by authorized DOD entities to test or verify the security of this system. During monitoring, information may be examined, recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes. All information, including personal information, placed or sent over this system may be monitored.

Use of this DOD computer system, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring of this system. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be used for administrative, criminal, or other adverse action. Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.

Protecting Your Computer

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service uses state-of-the art technology to help protect your personal information and data on myPay. As a customer of myPay there are also certain actions you should take to help protect your personal information from scams and identity theft.

Here are some quick reminders of how to keep your myPay secure:

    1. Whenever possible, do not use a public computer or Kiosk system to access myPay. Using a public system places you at greater risk for compromise of your myPay account. Even connecting via a public wifi network exposes information to possible theft.

    2. Install operating system and application software updates (e.g. Internet browsers: ex. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari; Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Java) regularly. Many of these updates are issued to fix identified security problems. Please visit the vendor’s websites for more information.

    3. Install, use and keep antivirus software and personal firewalls including antivirus signatures up-to-date. The correct use of these programs can help protect your system from being compromised by malicious software.

    4. Do not store user-IDs and passwords on your computer or smartphone. If someone gains access to your device, the accounts will likely be compromised.

    5. After accessing your myPay account, close all of your Internet browser windows. Sometimes the browser will store session information in memory that other web sites may be able to access. Also purge cookies before and after use at a kiosk or public system.

    6. Be very careful when installing software, browser plug-ins or extensions that give others access to your computer. Remote service software or peer-to-peer software used for file sharing can create unintended openings into your computer that outsiders can exploit.

    7. Do not e-mail personal or financial information. E-mail is not a secure method of transmitting personal information. If you initiate a transaction and want to provide your personal and financial information through a website, look for indicators that the site is secure such as an image of a lock or lock icon on the browser’s status bar or a web site address that begins “https:” ( the “s” stands for “secure”).

    8. DFAS does not send e-mail messages asking customers to update or validate information. We do send e-mail messages that provide important information about your pay account. We NEVER ask for customers to send passwords, login names, Social Security numbers, or other personal information through e-mail unless we are responding to you. If you are ever in doubt of the e-mail source, we do not recommend that you click on links sent in the e-mail. You can always type in the URL for myPay manually or use a trusted search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo or Bing) to search for the myPay Web site and use the most trusted result.

Financial institutions will always be a target for Internet scams. Knowing the signs can keep your identity a lot safer. Here are two of the most commonly used attacks to obtain financial/personal data.

  • Keylogging: The action of tracking (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. It is important to note that On-Screen Keyboards may be used to reduce the risk of keylogging because it is more difficult for malware to monitor the on-screen keyboard than it is to monitor real keystrokes. Keylogging software is often installed on systems when an individual views e-mails or clicks links that appear to be reputable sites. This software is then used by thieves to steal account information from home computers by capturing the user’s keystrokes.

  • Phishing: The use of e-mails that appear to originate from a trusted source to trick a user into taking action like clicking a malicious link, or opening an infected attachment. These criminals will attempt to lure you to disclose account numbers, log in information, passwords, at the fake website.

You trust DFAS to ensure myPay protects your information. Make sure your actions online don’t give the criminals the tools to get around that security. Whether it be phishing, keylogging, identity theft, government e-mail scams, credit card offers, or electronic commerce fraud there are scammers on the Internet who are very creative and constantly come up with new scams or variations on old scams. The best way to protect your personal information is to fight these attacks with knowledge.

You can learn how protect yourself online at websites such as the Federal Trade Commission and the FBI.

About DFAS

The people of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) take pride in serving the men and women who defend America. We take our contribution to national defense seriously. We work hard to fulfill the important fiscal responsibilities entrusted to us by the American taxpayers. We ensure the resources they provide are accounted for properly. In FY 2012, DFAS:

  • Processed 164.9 million pay transactions (6.6 million people/accounts)
  • Made 7.1 million travel payments
  • Paid 11.3 million commercial invoices
  • Maintained 272.2 million General Ledger accounts
  • Managed $631.2 billion in Military Retirement and Health Benefits Funds
  • Made $556.5 billion in disbursements to pay recipients
  • Managed $60.9 billion in Foreign Military Sales (reimbursed by foreign governments)
  • Accounted for 1,215 active DoD appropriations

For more information about DFAS visit: