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University Research

  • University of Kansas

    New Research on Shallow Warm Clouds will Advance Climate Models and Weather ForecastsExternal link

    David Mechem, an associate professor in the Department of Geography & Atmospheric Science at the University of Kansas, is leading a new $525,000, three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to better understand the fundamental processes governing the behavior of shallow clouds, the low-hanging cottony clouds often seen on a summer day or over ocean waters.

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  • University of Iowa

    A Quark Like No OtherExternal link

    University of Iowa physicist Usha Mallik is at the forefront of the search for a missing particle that could prove whether the Higgs boson—believed to give mass to all matter—exists.

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  • Colorado State University

    Recreating Conditions Inside Stars With Compact LasersExternal link

    A multi-institution experiment conducted at Colorado State University used smaller, compact lasers to create ultra-short laser pulses and validate numerical models measuring the irradiation intensities and the extreme pressures generated.

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