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Other Links

The Land Acquisition Process

The land acquisition process is described in the attached leaflet entitled, “A Legacy for the Future: The National Wildlife Refuge Acquisition Program. It explains our Mission, The Land Acquisition Process, and Questions and Answers about the Acquisition Program.

Revenue Sharing Program

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service make revenue sharing payments to counties for the land that we administer. The attached link entitled, “Revenue Sharing Payments” explains the history, provisions of the Revenue Sharing Act, as amended and Questions and Answers about revenue sharing.

Relocation Assistance

The Fish and Wildlife Service often needs to acquire private property for public programs or projects. This link entitled, “Relocation Assistance for Owners, Tenants and Businesses”, describes the benefits under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Realty Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (the Uniform Act). The Uniform Act provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons whose property will be acquired through projects financed with Federal funds.

Right-of-Way Information and Application

Regulations covering the granting of rights-of-way on and across Service lands are promulgated in 50 CFR, Parts 29.21 and 29.22. If you are interested in learning more about applying for a right-of-way, please see this attached link.

A Profile of Land Protection Actions

This leaflet describes the land protection policy for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Eminent Domain Policy, and Lands under Control of the Service.


Last updated: September 15, 2008