U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program

Southeast Region

USFWS R - 4 Map

Southeast Regional Map Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of Arkansas Map of Kentucky Map of Tennessee Map of North Carolina Map of South Carolina Map of Georgia Map of Alabama Map of Mississippi Map of Louisiana Map of Florida

Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program Strategic Plan

USFWS working with partners on the strategic plan.

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program has grown in size and scope since it's beginning in 1987 and has gained national recognition as a vanguard in the new era of cooperative conservation. As a result, the public investment in the Program has increased along with a commensurate requirement for accountability.

A 5-year Strategic Plan for the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program was finalized in 2007, and the strategic plan has been updated for another 5 years (2012 - 2016). The Plan addresses these important issues: how we identify needs and opportunities to serve our mission; how we strive for efficiency and effectiveness in our Program operations; and how we measure and account for our accomplishments.

Stakeholders from around the country have and will continue to provide valuable guidance. At the outset of the strategic planning process, an outreach effort was conducted throughout the country to provide stakeholders the opportunity to reflect on the internal and external factors impacting the Programs’ current performance and future accomplishments. That input provided valuable direction for the design and content of this document. Of note, the vast majority of the more than 400 stakeholders involved expressed strong support for the Program citing its on-the-ground accomplishments, flexibility, technical expertise, and responsiveness to the needs and values of property owners and local communities as important strengths.

Additionally, in 2002 and 2006, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) conducted a Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) review of the Partners Program. The review outlined expectations for and means by which the Program can achieve greater efficiencies and higher returns on investments through focused planning.

This external guidance has been coupled with the experience, knowledge, and dedicated foresight of the staff of the Program to produce our 5-year Strategic Plan, which articulates our philosophy, goals, and desired operational outcomes.

The Strategic Plan for the program consists of three parts:

Part 1 - Vision Document describes the program and its five major goals;

Conserve Habitat - Restore and Protect Priority Habitats to Increase and Maintain Federal Trust Species and Populations

Broaden and Strengthen Partnerships - Accomplish our work through voluntary partnerships

Improve Information Sharing and Communication - Collaborate and share information and concerns with our partners, stakeholders, potential future partners, decision-makers, and others to protect, resolve, restore and enhance Trust Resources

Enhance Our Workforce - The staff of our Program is our most important resource. Maintaining and supporting this staff is the key to success in achieving on the ground results for Federal Trust Species

Increase Accountability - Measure, assess, and report on the effectiveness, efficiency and fiscal integrity of our habitat conservation programs and activities.

Part 2 - Regional Strategic Plan for the southeast region.

Each Region has identified geographic focus areas, accomplishment targets and anticipated benefits to Federal Trust Species with input from conservation partners and stakeholders.

Part 3 - National Summary Document reflects a national overview of habitat priorities and targets based on the Regional Strategic Plans.