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Comment Policy

The purpose of this forum is to hear your comments about environmental data and EPA’s Data Finder. Your ideas and concerns are important to ensure that Data Finder helps people find the environmental data they are seeking.

We want to publish your comments, but we expect conversations to follow the conventions of polite discourse. Therefore, we won’t publish comments that:

  • contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms that target specific ethnic or racial groups
  • promote services or products (non-commercial links that are relevant to a post or comment are acceptable)
  • are far off-topic
  • make unsupported accusations.

We don’t edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above.

Reporters are asked to send questions to the EPA Newsroom through their normal channels and to refrain from submitting questions here as comments.

We recognize that the Web is a 24/7 medium and your comments are welcome at any time. However, given the need to manage federal resources, moderating and posting of comments will generally occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Comments submitted after hours or on weekends will be read and published within a few business days, subject to the criteria above.

To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include phone numbers or email addresses in the body of your comment. Please read the privacy discussion in Frequent Questions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this comment policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.

If you have questions about the comment policy or how we apply it, please contact us.

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