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American University’s GreenApps hack-a-thon gains momentum

2011 August 19

American University just yesterday launched the Facebook event page for their Apps for the Environment hack-a-thon, and already the buzz is spreading!

According to the event page, the hack-a-thon aims to bring together developers and teams from universities throughout the area, professional coders, as well as Environmental Protection Agency data specialists to help build innovative apps for the “Apps for the Environment” competition.

American University has made it clear that even if you’re not a coder, this event needs your participation.

“Even if you can’t code, you can have ideas. Even if you don’t have ideas, you can help spread the word,” said Professor David Johnson, an organizer of the hack-a-thon.  “Even if you can’t come to Washington, D.C. or American University, you can join us on Twitter, ustream, IRC, GitHub, and other online hangouts – we’ll be all over it. Everyone can be a part of this. Spread the word to campuses and dev shops. Come hack with us.”

Alex Howard followed up with a detailed post on GovFresh about the hack-a-thon, including a presentation he gave on our recent developer webinar. He wrote, “the pitch for the hackathon includes a “green from the beginning” detail that may catch the eye of sustainable energy advocates.”

We’re hoping American University’s innovation and community-centric approach catches quite a few other eyes as well!

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