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Apps for the Environment sizzling like the summer heat

2011 July 26

Temperatures have skyrocketed across the country, and so has the buzz around Apps for the Environment – take a look at these recent developments, and get ready to share with the community your ideas on using EPA data for public health.

Sign up for the Next Developer Webinar to Discuss EPA’s Geospatial Resources

The next webinar for developers about EPA’s datasets is Wednesday, July 27, from 2-2:30 EST. We’ll be talking about EPA’s geospatial resources, including the Environmental Dataset Gateway, a searchable catalog of EPA’s geospatial data assets and web services. Register here!

If you’ve missed any of our weekly webinars, don’t worry! Now you can get recordings and transcripts from all of our past webinars, plus find out what topics we’ll be covering next. It’s all on our new webpage!

Code-a-thon Toolkit Coming Soon

You can hold a code-a-thon with a group of developers to make prototypes of apps in a half-day or full-day session. Our toolkit will describe what you need to do to make a code-a-thon happen. Stay tuned for more details!

GreenApp Developer Community reaches 1000 members

Thanks to everyone who subscribed to the Apps for the Environment listserv! Be sure to encourage your friends and colleagues to sign up so they can get the latest news on the challenge! To join the listserv, visit our homepage.

Don’t Forget to Share Your App Ideas!

We want to hear your ideas for innovative apps! Visit the Data and Developer Forum to let us know what you think, and to see the cool ideas we’ve gotten so far.

See What People Are Saying About the Apps Challenge:

Do-Gooder Apps, Brought to You by the EPA” by Katie Fehrenbacher

EPA Announces Apps for the Environment Challenge” by Maisha Meminger

Apps for the Environment Competition Gets Underway” by Ashley Featherman

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed here are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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