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13.12 Maturity Measures


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Defense Manufacturing Management Guide for Program Managers
Chapter 13 - Manufacturing Controls

Since the original Manufacturing Guide was written several new tools have been developed that can be used to measure program progress. These tools tend to focus on measuring maturing in a specific technical area and include the following:

  • Technology Maturity Levels (TRLs),
  • Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs), and
  • Sustainment Maturity Levels (SMLS).

13.12.1 Technology Maturity Levels

Figure 13-11 Technology Readiness Levels

TRLs provide a systematic metric/measurement system to assess the maturity of a particular technology. TRLs enable a consistent comparison of maturity between different types of technologies. TRLs have been divided into nine (9) maturity levels as follows:

  • TRL 1: Basic Principles observed and noted.
  • TRL 2: Technology concept or application formulated.
  • TRL 3: Experimental and analytical critical function and characteristic proof of concept.
  • TRL 4: Component or breadboard validation in a laboratory environment.
  • TRL 5: Component or breadboard validation in a relevant environment.
  • TRL 6: System or subsystem model or prototype demonstrated in a relevant environment.
  • TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in an operational environment.
  • TRL 8: Actual system completed and "flight qualified" through test and demonstration.
  • TRL 9: Actual system "flight proven" through successful mission operations.

13.12.2 Manufacturing Readiness Levels

Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) and assessments of manufacturing readiness have been designed to manage manufacturing risk in acquisition while increasing the ability of the S&T projects to transition new technology to weapon system applications. MRL definitions create a common language and standard for assessing and discussing manufacturing maturity, risk and readiness. Using the MRL definitions, an assessment of manufacturing readiness is a structured evaluation of a technology, component, manufacturing process, weapon system or subsystem. It is performed to:

  • Define current level of manufacturing maturity;
  • Identify maturity shortfalls and associated costs and risks; and
  • Provide the basis for manufacturing maturation and risk management.

There are ten (10) MRLs that are correlated to the nine TRLs currently in use. The final level (MRL 10) is used to measure and foster Lean practices and continuous improvement for systems in production. The MRLs are defined as follows:

  • MRL 1: Basic manufacturing implications identified.
  • MRL 2: Manufacturing concepts identified.
  • MRL 3: Manufacturing proof of concept developed.
  • MRL 4: Capability to produce the technology in a laboratory environment.
  • MRL 5: Capability to produce prototype components in a production relevant environment.
  • MRL 6: Capability to produce a prototype system or subsystem in a production relevant environment.
  • MRL 7: Capability to produce systems, or subsystems, or components in a production representative environment.
  • MRL 8: Pilot line capability demonstrated; ready to begin low rate initial production.
  • MRL 9: Low rate production demonstrated; capability in place to begin full rate production.
  • MRL 10: Full rate production demonstrated and lean production practices in place.

Manufacturing Readiness Levels

Figure 13-12 Manufacturing Readiness Levels

13.12.3 Sustainment Maturity Levels

The Sustainment Maturity Level (SML) model can be used by the Product Support Manager (PSM) to assess and identify the appropriate level of logistics maturity of the program. The SMLs provide a uniform metric to measure and communicate the expected life cycle sustainment maturity as well as provide the basis for root cause analysis when risks are identified and support OSD's governance responsibilities during MDAP program reviews. There are twelve (12) SMLs as follows:

  • SML 1: Supportability and sustainment options identified.
  • SML 2: Notional product support and maintenance concept identified.
  • SML 3: Notional product support, sustainment and supportability requirements defined and documented to support the notional concept.
  • SML 4: Supportability objectives and KPP/KSA requirements defined. New or better technology required for system or supply chain identified.
  • SML 5: Supportability design features required to achieve KPP/KSA incorporated in design requirements.
  • SML 6: Maintenance concepts and sustainment strategy complete. Life cycle sustainment plan approved.
  • SML 7: Supportability features embedded in design. Supportability and subsystem maintenance task analysis complete.
  • SML 8: Product support capabilities demonstrated and supply chain management approach validated.
  • SML 9: Product support package demonstrated in an operational environment.
  • SML 10: Initial product support package fielded at operational sites. Performance measured against availability, reliability and cost metrics.
  • SML 11: Sustainment performance measured against operational needs. Product support improved through continual process improvement.
  • SML 12: Product support package fully in place including depot repair capability.

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