Fisheries, Midwest Region
Conserving the Nature of America

National Fish Habitat Action Plan


The mission of the National Fish Habitat Action Plan is to protect, restore and enhance the nation’s fish and aquatic communities through partnerships that foster fish habitat conservation and improve the quality of life for the American people. This mission will be achieved by:

  • Supporting existing fish habitat partnerships and fostering new efforts.
  • Mobilizing and focusing national and local support for achieving fish habitat conservation goals.
  • Setting national and regional fish habitat conservation goals.
  • Measuring and communicating the status and needs of fish habitats.
  • Providing national leadership and coordination to conserve fish habitats.


  • Protect and maintain intact and healthy aquatic systems.
  • Prevent further degradation of fish habitats that have been adversely affected.
  • Reverse declines in the quality and quantity of aquatic habitats to improve the overall health of fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • Increase the quality and quantity of fish habitats that support a broad natural diversity of fish and other aquatic species.


  • Conduct a condition analysis of all fish habitats within the U.S. by 2010.
  • Identify priority fish habitats and establish
  • Fish Habitat Partnerships targeting these habitats by 2010.
  • Establish 12 or more Fish Habitat Partnerships throughout United States by 2010.
  • Prepare a “Status of Fish Habitats in the U.S.” report in 2010 and every 5 years thereafter.
  • Protect all healthy and intact fish habitats by 2015.
  • Improve the condition of 90 percent of priority habitats and species targeted by Fish Habitat Partnerships by 2020.


  • Action oriented.
  • Science based.
  • Identify priority needs and acknowledge gaps.
  • Identify and achieve measurable outcomes.
  • Build on existing collaborative efforts.
  • Focus resources and funding where they will make a measurable difference.
  • Encourage public-private partnerships.
  • Monitor and disseminate results.
  • Don't stop until the job is done.