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Merriam-Webster Dictionary

aquaculture (def.) to foster the growth of the natural produce of fish or freshwater mussels.

biodiversity (def.) biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals.

brood stock (def.) mature fish that provide eggs and milt to create fish for planting in lakes and streams.

conservation (def.) planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect.

diversity (def.) differing from one another.

endangered (def.) animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct.

extinct (def.) no longer existing on earth.

glochidia (def.) the larva of a freshwater mussel (family Unionidae) that develops as an external parasite on fish.

gravity flow: (def.) water that flows by gravity; not assisted by mechanical means.

habitat alteration (def.) a change in the structure or function of habitat.

host fish (def.) a certain species of fish that serves as a host for parasitic larva of freshwater mussels.

hydropower (def.) of or relating to production of electricity by waterpower - in this case mainly in the form of a hydroelectric power plant at a dam site.

integrity (def.) the quality or state of being complete or undivided.

isolation facility (def.) a facility used to isolate gametes (eggs) that come directly from the wild to prevent the introduction of disease into the hatchery system.

larva (def.) the early form of an animal (as a frog or sea urchin) that at birth or hatching is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose before assuming the adult characters.

mitigation (def.) replacing a lost resource with an acceptable alternative (example- as in mitigation hatchery which raises cool or cold water fish to replace lost warm water fisheries after the habitat has been altered by a dam).

parasite (def.) intimate association between organisms of two or more kinds; especially : one in which a parasite obtains benefits from a host which it usually injures.

perched culvert (def.) a culvert that is positioned too high to allow fish passage.

propagation (def.) to increase (as of a kind of organism) in numbers.

remnant (def.) a small surviving group.

threatened (def.) animals and plants that are likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.

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