Inside Region 3
Midwest Region
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Regional Director Tom Melius talks about eagles with a participant at the Chicago Park District Corridor Community Planting Day. Photo by Louise Clemency/USFWS
Regional Director Tom Melius. Photo by Larry Dean/USFWS.

February 2017

A month we see the thaw of the season
and the resulting change

February is a month we see changes. Look no further than the southern edges of our eight states and the shift toward the warmth and showers of spring has crept back in. While our northern tier settles into the last mix of ice and snow for the season. We also saw change recently with the departure of long serving Director Dan Ashe (Learn more) and see steps toward welcoming our new administration with the upcoming confirmation of Department of Interior Secretary-nominee Ryan Zinke.

When we have a firm and clearer picture of our Secretary confirmation and other ensuing key spots in our administration, I will again host an all employee call to share what we know at that time and continue sharing our vision for the work ahead this year.

This month I look forward to joining in a great event here in the Twin Cities: Pheasant Fest. Always an exciting event, this is a gathering of sportsmen and women from across the Midwest with, not only informative sessions on the likes of pheasants and quail, but also an extended session this year on pollinators and their benefit to upland birds.

And with ice melt in our southern portions of our region, it’s not too early to note the return of our spring migrant birds, appearing once again. Despite the ice we have here to the north, it’s just a matter of time before we too see the wonder of our returning birds and butterflies, one of my favorite rewards after the winter season.

I’d like to give a shout out to our staff at Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge. I had the pleasure of visiting them recently and seeing the new environmental education building. That building will surely be a blessing to youth conservationists and others with the programming that will be offered there. This building is a tribute to all of the volunteers and friends of the refuge who made this state of the art facility a reality. (Learn more)

As the seasons blend together in this month of change, I want to make sure I remind everyone to stay safe out there. Hazards still abound and prey on complacency. Be safe in all you do, whether that be work or play.

Enjoy this month’s issue of Inside Region 3!



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Last updated: February 10, 2017