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Aquatic Ecosystems Branch

To conserve, enhance, and protect endangered and threatened species (and other fish and wildlife) and the aquatic ecosystems upon which they depend in New Mexico through cooperation with other agencies and the people of the State.

Primary emphasis is upon ecosystem management that provides adequate river flows for riparian and aquatic organisms, and restores the ecological functions of watersheds, with a goal of quality habitat that supports a diversity of plants and animals.

Primary activities are with the:

  • U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (channel maintenance, water management, habitat enhancement)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (acequia restoration, flood control, habitat enhancement, wetland protection)
  • U.S. Section, International Boundary and Water Commission (water management, flood control, habitat enhancement)
  • Department of Defense

Branch Chief: George Dennis
Phone: (505) 761-4754


This webpage was last modified on: September 2, 2011

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