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Federal Activities

What we do

The Federal Activities staff protects and enhances fish and wildlife habitat in New Mexico by working primarily with other federal agencies. Our principal focus is protection and restoration of high value landscapes such as wetland and riverine habitats, with a goal of habitat that supports diverse native fauna. Primary emphasis is upon ecosystem management that provides adequate river flows for riparian and aquatic organisms, and restores the ecological functions of drainages so that fish and wildlife flourish.

Major Cooperating Agencies and Activities in New Mexico

Coordination with other branches of the Field Office

  • Administration
  • Endangered Species
  • Partners for Fish and Wildlife
  • Middle Rio Grande Bosque Initiative
  • Environmental Contaminants
  • San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program

Major regulations we work under

Coordination with the Regional Office and Washington D.C. Office of the
Fish and Wildlife Service

We assist each other in achieving U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service goals on a national scale and provide assistance and expertise.

This webpage was last modified on: May 4, 2012

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