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Closing Out Your EERE Funding Award

Once the project period ends, recipients have 90 days to complete the final reporting requirements, which include anything marked "F" on the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions. Most awards require the following closeout reports:

  1. SF-425 Federal Financial Report
  2. Final Scientific/Technical Report
  3. Final Patent Clearance Report
  4. Final Property Disposition Report

Always check the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and Instructions section of your cooperative agreement for specific instructions. However, the two main places to submit final reports are:

  1. Project Management Central for most closeout reports
  2. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) E-Link for the Final Scientific/Technical Report

OSTI E-Link provides the means for recipients to electronically submit scientific and technical information sponsored by Department of Energy (DOE). OSTI facilitates the electronic submittal of scientific and technical information (STI) between DOE and its client community, including researchers, reviewers, research administrators, and others doing business with DOE. STI deliverables provided to DOE through E-Link are announced, as appropriate, on Web products maintained by OSTI, which provides free and convenient public access to full text and bibliographic data of products resulting from DOE-funded research.