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Private, public, and nonprofit organizations around the country offer a wide range of courses and other services to help you either improve your current skills or learn new ones. The sites featured here can help you find courses of specific interest as well as other information about training requirements for certain energy jobs.

DOE Related

Advanced Manufacturing Office: Training
Find training sessions in your area and learn how to save energy in your manufacturing plant or commercial building.

American Museum of Science & Energy
Learn more about the American Museum of Science & Energy (AMSE), a DOE-sponsored museum in Oak Ridge, TN, that provides cultural, educational, and scientific programs and exhibits, as well as summer camps for kids.

Better Buildings Case Competition
As part of the Better Buildings Initiative, the DOE engages collegiate students through the Better Buildings Case Competition. DOE seeks creative and innovative solutions for energy efficiency that could be implemented by the commercial industry, thereby serving as "models for success."

Energy Explained
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) offers this site using plain language and clear graphics to provide a nonpartisan guide to the entire range of energy topics.

Energy Kids
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) offers this site just for kids. It explains the basics about energy and offers ways to save energy, plus games and activities and much more.

EnergySaver.Gov website provides resources, tips, videos and information that will help you and your family save money by saving energy. The Energy Saver site is well known for practical tips and advice on making homes more energy efficient, and a new feature called "Savings Projects" -- articles with easy, step-by-step, do-it-yourself instructions to home energy efficiency improvements that will save you money.

DOE Education Web sites at DOE Labs and Facilities
Find out more about education programs at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories and facilities, some of which offer student, worker, and teacher seminars, training, and fellowship opportunities.

DOE Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals
The Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals project fosters the growth of a high quality residential energy upgrade industry and a skilled and credentialed workforce. The project includes guidelines for quality work, effective training, and professional certifications.

DOE Solar Technologies Educational Programs
The Solar Program is helping to develop a workforce with the critical skills required to meet the needs of a rapidly growing solar industry.

Green Jobs Community of Practice
The Green Jobs Community of Practice (CoP), a part of the U.S. Department of Labor, serves as a platform for workforce professionals and green job thought leaders to discuss and share promising practices to create partnerships for Green Job Workforce Solutions and leverage Recovery Act investments.

Green Ribbon Schools
The U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program recognizes schools that save energy, reduce costs, feature environmentally sustainable learning spaces, protect health, foster wellness, and offer environmental education to boost academic achievement and community engagement.

My Energy Gateway
This DOE-supported site helps you understand the educational pathways to finding a career in energy efficiency and renewables. Find information on degrees and certifications in energy. Get tuition and information on scholarships, internships, college rankings, career options, and industry resources. Export your search results and compare your choices.

National Training and Education Resource (NTER)
NTER is an open source platform that serves learners by allowing them to acquire new skills at a time, place and pace that is convenient to them. Additionally, it serves instructors by providing a full range of instructional tools and an easy-to-use system for finding, creating, and modifying content.

Renewable Energy Competency Model
The Renewable Energy Competency Model was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, with active input from the U.S. Department of Energy technology experts, along with partners from the postsecondary education and the renewable energy industry to identify the crosscutting competencies needed for workers in the renewable energy field. The model reflects the recommendations of subject matter experts from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, American Wind Energy Association, and Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association. Industry competency models are a resource for showing the cross-cutting competencies that are essential for success in an industry or industry sector.

Vehicle Technologies Office: Educational Activities
Find out more about activities such as DOE's partnership with 10 universities to encourage the development of the next generation of automotive engineers.

Wind Powering America: Education
Find out where you can enroll in higher education or continuing education programs on wind energy.

Other Literacy Efforts

The Atmospheric Science Literacy Framework
The Atmospheric Science Literacy Framework, funded by the National Science Foundation, brought together a group of scientists, educators, and policy specialists to develop a framework composed of "essential principles" and "fundamental concepts" for literacy in atmospheric science and climate.

Climate Literacy Network
The Climate Literacy Network created a guide that serves as a framework for understanding and communicating about climate science. The ideas outlined in the guide represent the knowledge that is deemed important for citizens to know and understand about Earth's climate. Points in the guide can serve as discussion starters or launching points for scientific inquiry and can also serve educators who teach climate science principles as a way to meet learning standards in their science curriculum. Numerous individuals and organizations have made significant contributions to the guide through rich conversations and insightful reviews.

The Ocean Literacy Network
The Ocean Literacy Network, co-sponsored by NOAA, the National Geographic Society, and the Marine Educator Association, brought together (in 2004) ocean science researchers and educators in a community-wide consensus-building process. Its publication, Ocean Literacy, the Essential Principles for the Ocean Sciences K12 [Ocean Literacy Network, 2005] briefly summarizes the agreed-upon principles in ocean literacy and maps them to fundamental concepts and NSES content standards in order to facilitate their integration into educational curricula. The primary focus of this effort was on formal K-12 education, with applications also seen for informal learning environments.


A Boy's Quest To Save Energy

This is an illustrative online children's book about saving energy.

A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change
Devoted to educating sixth- through eighth-graders about Earth's climate and how it is changing, this site from the Environmental Protection Agency provides students and educators with content on the science of climate change, how it affects society and ecosystems, and information about solutions to the climate change problem.

Air Condition Heating and Refrigeration Institute

American Society for Engineering Education: Directory of Engineering Colleges
This directory lists U.S. and Canadian schools offering undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering and engineering technology.

Arizona Solar Center
Check out a variety of educational programs related to energy issues in Arizona.


Association of Energy Engineers: Seminars
Find a listing of energy engineering seminars for earning continuing education credits and professional development hours toward license renewals and certifications.

Automation Federation
The Automation Federation is an association of member organizations providing awareness, programs, and services that continually advance the automation profession for the betterment of humanity. The organization has developed the Automation Competency Model, which defines the skills and competencies needed in the automation field, including in the area of energy management and sustainability.

Building Performance Institute Inc.
Learn more about the Building Performance Institute's certification programs.

"Carbon Nation"
"Carbon Nation" is an optimistic, solutions-based, nonpartisan film that shows that tackling climate change boosts the economy, increases national and energy security and promotes health and a clean environment. The film features a variety of professionals, from utility CEOs to airlines execs to economists, with the message that using as little energy as possible and making clean energy are important goals.

Career Education in Renewable Energy Technologies
Find out more about certificate courses developed and taught by renewable energy experts.

Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network
CLEAN is assembling classroom activities and teaching resources that address climate literacy and is in the process of soliciting recommendations for materials to include in the collection. An important part of this project is to identify the needs and "best practices" of educators related to climate science and energy topics. To do this, they are establishing a consultant network of teachers and college/university instructors; visit the site to learn more.

CONNECT! Transform the Future
This is an energy initiative aimed to help kids connect the dots to a brighter, greener future. The Center For Science (a national network of leading science centers) has teamed with GE, National Geographic, and local energy companies to produce CONNECT! Transform the Future. It includes online resources, videos, games and teacher workshops.

Dark Skies Rangers Program
The Dark Skies Rangers program is part of GLOBE at Night, an international campaign to raise awareness of the negative effects of light pollution. The program includes various hands-on activities and demonstrations that teach students about the importance of preserving dark skies. Students and adults are also invited to get involved by measuring the night sky brightness of their communities and submitting this data to a worldwide database on light pollution. Find out more about these and other dark sky initiatives.

An online interactive quiz to let you explore your energy efficiency behaviors. Do you turn off the lights or unplug?

Earth Advantage
Earth Advantage delivers a variety of training opportunities for building industry professionals to gain the knowledge and skills to integrate sustainability into their professional practice. Our curricular offerings target key professionals in the industry, including: architects, designers, contractors, remodelers, developers, real estate agents and brokers, appraisers, lenders, auditors, home inspectors, program managers, teachers, and code and government officials. A number of our courses are available online for your convenience; and we are expanding our live classroom offerings nationally through course licensing and contract delivery.
This site offers educational pictures, photos, and crafts from various sources that are downloadable and printable, including resources in the energy area.

Electricity 101: The Top Online Resources
Find a compilation of the best websites and online resources for learning about electricity, from the history of electrical technology to the modern industry of power generation, storage, and distribution.

Energy Experts Educational Program Database
Find ongoing courses as well as university and certificate programs in this energy education portal site.

Energy Experts Training Calendar
This calendar lists trainings, workshops, classes, webinars, and other events.

Environmental Science
Interested in a career in environmental science? Search for degree programs, read relevant articles, and use the salary comparison tool to help you start planning your career.

Fuel Cell Programs and Courses
Check out university and college programs throughout the U.S. and world with offerings related to fuel cell technologies.

Getting the Most From Your Bachelor's Degree in an Uncertain Climate
This research project produced the Online Bachelor Degree Programs site, an online informational resource for individuals looking to pursue bachelor degree-related education and careers. The project covers various topics like what you can do with a bachelor degree, links to related resources, and information about this specific field within the job market.

Green 360
Green 360 connects high school and college students with the tools, information, and people they need to make informed choices and create pathways to green careers. Interact with blogging Green Gurus and Career Coaches on the website. Launch your career exploration with the FREE Career Catalyst and online course!

Homeowners Guide: Home Energy Efficiency
This informative guide on home care and maintenance includes links on efficiency for appliances and lighting, as well as educational data about various forms of renewable energy.

Houston Renewable Energy Group
The Houston Renewable Energy Group (HREG) educates residents in the Houston metro area on renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, conservation and green building techniques and innovations. The group also serves as the local chapter of the Texas Solar Energy Society. We represent a bold vision for a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable world that will not only benefit Houstonians but the global community as well.

Institute for Energy Management Professionals
The Institute for Energy Management Professionals (IEnMP) is a non-profit organization, funded by the Department of Energy, existing to provide certifications to individuals to assist companies desiring to comply with ISO 50001 and in support of DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office's Superior Energy Performance (SEP) Initiative.

Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) Training Locator
The Interstate Renewable Energy Council tracks educational institutions that are accredited through ISPQ international standards to offer solar installer training and other skills supporting careers in photovoltaic energy. IREC lists both certification training and university courses that meet clean energy accreditation standards. If you are looking for programs that are less than four years, workshops, or hands-on training, visit this directory of training providers for energy efficiency and renewable energy training courses.

Kid Wind Project
The teacher resources from the Kid Wind Project include PowerPoints, videos, product manuals, and more. An example is Windwise, a comprehensive interdisciplinary wind energy curriculum, developed for middle and high school, with inquiry-based introductions and hands-on activities to develop analytical skills.

Masters in Science
The Masters in Science site helps explain why a master's degree is useful as it points you toward degree programs across the country in topics that include engineering, engineering management, and environmental sciences and sustainability.

NASA Climate Kids
Find games and activities that explore how energy access, consumption and technology impacts climate.

North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners: PV Installer Certification
Find out more about national standards for photovoltaic (PV) system installers.

North American Technician Excellence
Learn more about North American Technician Excellence Inc., the leading nonprofit certification program for technicians in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC/R) industry.

Powering a Nation's "Energy Cocktail"
The Energy Cocktail game, presented by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as part of the Carnegie-Knight Initiative, challenges users to provide enough energy to supply the nation's forecast needs by 2050 while reducing carbon emissions and keeping costs down. Users create their own energy mixes and learn about creating a balanced, feasible energy portfolio, receiving detailed feedback about their choices.

Repair the Environment
This how-to guide on recycling appliances and electronics includes links to helpful tips on where to recycle and when to recycle, and discusses the reasoning behind recycling.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Find activities and projects to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Resources for Early Career Scientists
Find career development resources, blogs, jobs, fellowships, and in-person training programs in this list compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

SAVE: Steps in Achieving Viable Energy
The 4-H SAVE project is an energy education curriculum that targets youth, ages 11 to 13. The project takes youth on a journey through the exciting world of energy, exploring what energy is, its various forms and sources, how it is used (both naturally and through man-made processes), and how our world is impacted both positively and negatively by our energy use. Download the SAVE Youth Book, Leader Guide, and/or Teacher Edition.

SaveOnEnergy Videos
Check out SaveOnEnergy's informative online video series on energy efficiency.
The site offers international students the opportunity to find information about engineering schools and courses in environmental / resource engineering around the world.

"TurfMutt" is a nationwide, in-school, science-based program for grades K-5, with activities for teachers and families available on the website. TurfMutt is designed to educate today's youth and their families on the importance of caring for our greenspaces and to inspire a greater appreciation for the backyards, landscapes and community greenspaces around us. 

What You Need to Know About Energy
This site from the National Academies discusses where our U.S. energy comes from, what is energy efficiency and energy loss, and how the strength of American industry, speed of transportation, and countless modern conveniences all come from our use of energy.