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Anne Warren
· 2017年1月29日
Dr Sharon Jamie is an exceptional physician at the Loma Linda VAH who corresponds by email with her patients, responds asap to every call or message, calls a pa...tient who needs more time to discuss ailments and tries to give them as much time as possible when she gets a cancellation. She greets her patients with a genuine hug and doesn't rush them. When other doctors barely look at you or say more than "huh or ok" she talks in such a way that you know she listens to every word. She is hands on when others stand clear across the room and she is very knowledgeable in her area of expertise and treats her patient with the utmost of respect. Her staff obviously enjoy working with her and it is easy to tell that she enjoys her patients. She is the perfect example of the best of the VAH system and all it has to offer. もっと見る
Nancy Hawk
· 2017年1月18日
Dublin GA, VA while often short on special list is a good facility. Staff providers do care to provide the best they can. Often times vets are sent to Vets Choi...ce. Where the vet ends up carrying reports and files to civilian doctors. Then some issues have no doctors available in civilian medical that will except vets choice. But as far as Carl Vinson VA, I think they more than try. もっと見る
David P. Garman
· 2016年8月25日
Loma Linda VA has a staff that genuinely care and are dedicated professionals. As a retired Veteran I utilize the VA hospital often. To all Vets when your waiti...ng to be seen and it takes awhile longer than you would like, remember the staff is taking care of another VET. Be patient. Military bearing, Military discipline ! もっと見る
Joyce Trumpet
· 2016年6月30日
I have had very good experiences at the Loma Linda Veterans Hospital. I have nothing but praise for most of my doctors. My favorite however, is my neurosurg...eon that performed a (9 )nine hour surgery on my neck (4) years ago. He is the best, God bless him and his marvelous hands. I got the best of care from his staff and to this day I am forever grateful for the attention they gave me while I was in that precarious situation. もっと見る
Steve Caldwell
· 2016年12月5日
They here in La. Make u ' jump thru hoops 4 medications at temple st! Hours of waiting, We vets need a good administrator to get things moving faster! Have had ...great care at Lbva and Wla va--- no problem z.Also extend healthcare to all who have served Honorably, and gen discharge, im under the Montgomery GI BILL VN ERA VET! All vets should have free healthcare 4 life!!!!!!! もっと見る
Eliz Gaines
· 2015年4月4日
Yesterday at the No Greater Love play - I sat by service dog that had a military logo on his vest - I was proud to shake that young man's hand for his service -... has I was watching the crowd come up to talk to this young man I noticed his dog wrap himself around his masters legs with reassure that everything is ok -- was a huge blessing to watch the love & protection that dog had for his master & wondered what this young man must of gone through! God be with him & all the others !!! Thank you for your service! もっと見る
Patrick Doyle
· 2016年2月16日
Horrible waste of time! Called the VA clinic for the first time since I was discharged over 40 years ago and they want to charge for an office visit (WTF) and I... have to buy my own prescriptions. F--k the VA and this government for the way they treat vets. Shameful and I will never again ask this country for anything! もっと見る
Sheri Lochridge Connett
· 2015年2月4日
Thanks for nothing. As Tricare prime retiree we were restricted to MTF for PCM and despite the fact that they are overwhelmed with active duty preparing for and... returning from deployments not to mention the wounded warriors and family members. I am unable to received the care I need in a resemblance of timely manner, our only option was to enroll in Tricare standard only to find out after the fact, our prime fee in "non-refundable". How lovely that it wasn't never mentioned anywhere on the website or in the handbook. Just another wonderful way to take care of the veterans. もっと見る
Paul Paddock
· 2017年1月18日
I have had very good experiences at the Syracuse NY VA Hospital. Some times thay Can't Get Me In As Soon as I Would Like, But I Know That They Are Doing The Best That They Can With All Of The Vets That Are Waiting To Be Seen and Cared For.🇺🇸
Chris Miller
· 2016年5月23日
The is a murderous self serving criminal activity.
It has killed many veterans with intent! Death lists at Albuquerque va and Phoenix va. Extensive fraud thro...ughout the so-called va system. Veterans choice is a fraud, as well as; the much program. 23 or more veterans kill themselves every day because of the veterans administration. 3 times the kill rate in Vietnam. We have a much better chance of being killed by the than the enemy! Over 1100 indictments of va officials. もっと見る
Taylor Smith
· 2016年6月13日
Just called 1-888-647-6676 at 1624 and got the voicemail message that they are closed... office hours are 0800-1630. Hmmm, that's interesting. Closing early. Go...od call. This was AFTER I was on hold for 20 minutes, then HUNG UP on by some (I'm assuming) janitor that answered the phone and informed me that the LOD phones were down (WTF is that, really?). I told her what I needed (urgent pre-authorizations for immediate follow up appointments) and she hemmed, hawed, put me on hold, then hung up on me.

Your customer service is downright atrocious.
Christophe De Campos
· 2016年6月29日
Must stop harassing me emails that I have not asked motherfuckers.

The next I file a complaint against you and it is the court that it will end
Barry Mallin
· 2016年9月20日
The VA center here in Hawaii is excellent. Kind, compassionate and very helpful. My experience has been extremely positive��
Thằng Nhóc
· 2016年9月21日
Xin lỗi Military Health
Vì không biết gởi vấn đề này vào đâu nên đành nhắn tin cho bạn --- thông cảm ^_^
Mỹ đang quan ngại về vấn đề súng tự do khó kiểm soát -...-- mình vô tình xem ti vi thấy nên nghĩ được vài cách --- nhưng ko biết hữu dụng ko --- nên mình muốn trình bài thử để bạn xem thử như thế hữu dụng ko ---

1 * những người sử dụng súng phải đi kiểm kê lại số súng đan mình đang cất giữ
2 * Những người có súng đạn 6 tháng phải đi kiểm kê sức khỏe tâm lý súng đạn mình đang cất giữ có đúng như những lần trước ko
3 * lập môi trường thư giãn cho những người đến kiểm duyệt bằng những trò vui chơi lăn lê bò lết truyền thống của tổ quốc làm tăng đoàn kết dân quân giữa tình người và tình người

đó là 3 yếu tố chính --- Kiểm kê - quản lý - thư giãn
còn những yếu tố nào đó nữa mà mình quên rồi --- để từ từ coi có nhớ ra được ko rồi mình ghi tiếp cho ^_^

mong Military Health thông cảm vì đã nhận tin nhắn này
Thank you
Larry Wimber
· 2017年1月12日
Wowsurssssssssss yep lol who knew? Do muvh eas going on in these areas of interest
Leona Scott
· 2015年7月24日
If I did I would have to write a book. The VA as a whole us a big mess. They do not care about veterans. Just want to keep their jobs. Doctors r excellent. If u... ever get to see one. The Choice Program does not exist it is all a big scam. I tried to buy insurance thru Obama Care but because I can go to VHA I cannot. Incompetent, rude, losers. That about all I see. Houston VARO commits crimes. VHA doesn't care if u die. Just another dead veteran they kicked to curb. As a whole it is the worse case of government incompetence, malfeasance, propaganda & arrogance I have seen in my life. Bottom line is the VA SUCKS!!! It always has and always will until someone does something. The current leader appointed by the President is in way over his head; and, not able to change anything. I just want out of the system. I want to buy my own insurance so I can get medical care. How much did it cost to print plastic cards that we aren't able to use. What about the endless amount of Web sites that have failed. How many veterans died because you used $ for junk instead of giving them the medical care that they deserve. Knowing what I know AND being able to prove it; the VA needs to go. もっと見る
Bonnie Shaw Oswald
· 2015年7月8日
It's a shame I can't get anyone to help me get short term (antibiotics, etc) Pharmacy benefits! My LOCAL SMALL BUSINESS DRUG STORE cannot compete with the Big ...Chain Drug Stores so in a Rural area where the local drug store is all that is available..... Tricare/Express Scripts took him out of network & no one will listen that as a Caregiver for a 100% service connected Disabled Vietnam Vet I cannot drive an hour to chain drug store! もっと見る
Philip Bliss
· 2016年7月21日
As for me, I receive excellent care at ft. Smith, at. Vamc
Michael Duga
· 2016年7月12日
Excellent people that come to work every single day.
Chris Schiller-Skeens
· 2015年12月8日
Receptionists need to work on "going the extra mile" and be professional. They are being paid to provide information about their department.

This #ValentinesDay learn how to take care of your heart, during the #LoveYourHeart twitter chat!


Combat lifesaver course teaches lifesaving skills: http://go.usa.gov/x9tcy #militaryhealth


#DYK smoking can cause #heartdisease? Learn more during the #LoveYourHeart twitter chat tomorrow at 1-2 pm EST!


92nd medical group Fairchild AFB becomes first military hospital or clinic to use the new electronic health record #MHSGENESIS: http://go.usa.gov/x9erC


Learn how African-American researcher Dr. Charles Drew became known as the "Father of Blood Banks" during WWII: http://bit.ly/2kXcGcW #BlackHistoryMonth


How being on your #smartphones, tablets and computers can impact your ability to get healthy #sleep: http://go.usa.gov/x9MQk


Learn the ABC's of heart health. #LoveYourHeart


Navy Medicine East encourages Sailors and Marines to protect their hearts and make healthier choices: http://go.usa.gov/x9MTt #hearthealth


The #LoveYourHeart twitter chat is one week. Have your questions ready!

Military HealthさんがTRICAREさんの投稿をシェアしました。

The gov of LA has declared a State of Emergency in several counties due to tornadoes. Emergency refill procedures are in place from 2/8/17 through 3/9/17. Learn more: http://go.usa.gov/x9MCR.

The governor of Louisiana has declared a State of Emergency in several counties due to tornadoes. Emergency refill procedures are in place from February 8, 2017 through March 9, 2017. Affected counties include: Ascension Parish; Livingston Parish; Orleans Parish; St. James Parish; Tammany Parish ...

Ladies, learn why #womenshealth screenings are important and can help save lives: http://go.usa.gov/x9F6j


#BlackHistoryMonth Feature: Chief Warrant Officer Donald Smith: http://go.usa.gov/x9F4p


#Winter brings slip and falls. Find out you can prevent this from happening: http://go.usa.gov/x9F4y #wintersafety


Are you seeing double? Traumatic Brain Injury could be the cause. Learn more here: http://go.usa.gov/x9FgV #TBI

The Military Health System's mission is to provide optimal Health Services in support of our nation’s military mission—a...nytime, anywhere. The appearance of advertising≠endorsement. We reserve the right to remove any off-topic or offensive posts. もっと見る