Better Buildings Challenge

The goal of the Better Buildings Challenge is to improve the efficiency of American commercial, institutional, and multifamily buildings and industrial plants by 20 percent or more over ten years. Hundreds of leading organizations, manufacturers, and businesses are voluntarily participating in the Better Buildings Challenge to save energy costs and agree to:

  • Conduct an energy efficiency assessment of their building portfolio and pledge an organization-wide energy savings goal. 
  • Take action by showcasing an energy efficiency project and implementing a plan to achieve lasting energy savings. 
  • Report results by sharing cost-effective approaches for saving energy and performance data that demonstrates the success.

More than 310 organizations have committed to the Better Buildings Challenge, including building owners, manufacturing firms, municipalities, financial institutions, and utilities, working collaboratively to create and share implementation models that can help the marketplace move more quickly to adopt energy efficiency measures. Partners represent more than 4.2 billion square feet of commercial and industrial real estate and are leaders in the healthcare, hospitality, retail, commercial real estate, public, multifamily, and manufacturing sectors.

Manufacturing firms, representing more than 1,000 industrial facilities, are partnering through the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge—the industrial component of the Challenge. To learn more about the Better Buildings Challenge, check out this informational document.