Climate Change in the Pacific Region
Pacific Region

Climate Change in Pacific Northwest Freshwater Ecosystems



Spring snowpack is decreasing and melting earlier. The Cascade mountain range has experienced a 25% decline over the past 40 to 70 years.

Stream Temperature Increase

Stream temperatures are rising and in the Pacific Northwest, the greatest trends occur in the winter. Summer streams temperatures are also rising.

Stream Flow Changes

Decreases in spring snowpack and earlier snowmelt has led to a change in streamflow in many systems, including earlier spring runoff peaks, increased winter streamflow, and reduced summer and fall streamflows when water temperatures are highest.

Flooding Risk
Fish and Other Aquatic Wildlife

Want to learn more?

Check out these great synthesis documents on how climate change effects freshwater systems:





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Images sourced from the USFWS Flicker Page

Last updated: September 12, 2013

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