Climate Timeseries

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The following is a list of relevant historic timeseries relating to surface pressure, SST (calculated using the HadISST dataset) and other climate variables. We will try to keep them updated though not all are updated at the source. More timeseries may be added in the future. Click on the Analyze/Plot button to visualize the different timeseries. Click on a description to get timeseries and download information.

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Climate Indices

Timeseries NameStart YearEnd Year
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)1866 Dec 2014
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) 20CR1871Dec 2012
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO): here, the normalized pressure difference between Gibraltar and SW Iceland.1821 Dec 2015
Reconstructed North Atlantic Oscillation (RNAO): Reconstructed monthly NAO.1658 Jul 2001
Arctic Oscillation (AO)1871 May 2016
Southern Annular Mode (SAM)1851Dec 2011
Trans Polar Index (TPI): normalized pressure difference between Hobart and Stanley1895 Dec 2014
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO): From JIASO1900 May 2016
TPI (IPO) Tripole Index for the Pacific Interdecadal Oscillation (HadISST2.1 version): From U of Melbourne18702007
North Pacific Index: From NCAR1899 Feb 2016
Pacific North American Index: From 20CRV218712012

Station SLP Timeseries

Timeseries NameStart YearEnd Year
South-West Iceland SLP1821 Dec 2002
Ponta Delgada, Azores SLP1865 Dec 2002
Gilbraltar SLP1821 Dec 2002
Nagasaki SLP1818 Dec 2000
Madras SLP1796 Jan 2005
Darwin SLP1866 Dec 2014
Tahiti SLP1856 Dec 2014

SST and Other Climate Timeseries

Timeseries NameStart YearEnd Year
Niño 3: SST 5N-5S,150W-90W 1870 Nov 2016
Niño 3.4: SST 5N-5S,170W-120W1870 Nov 2016
Niño 4: SST 5N-5S, 160E-150W1870 Nov 2016
Niño 1+2: SST 0N-10S, 90W-80W1870 Nov 2016
AMO: SST Atlantic north of 0N.1871 Jun 2006
Global Average Temperature Anomalies: Calculated from station data1880 Nov 2015
Global Average Temperature and SST Anomalies: Calculated from station data and SST1880 Nov 2015
Global Average Temperature and SST Anomalies: From CRU Calculated from station data and SST1850 Oct 2015
Monthly sunspot counts: From SIDC1749 May 2015

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NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division
Document maintained by Cathy Smith (
Updated: Dec 30, 2015 13:55:55 MST
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