We would greatly appreciate feedback on this webpage's use, particularly in the classroom, for presentations or for research. Please email Cathy Smith.
Climate Division Plots
Data Notes and caveats
How to read file used in plot.
How to reference plots
RSS: Dataset updates RSS (Info)
Climate Division Information
NCDC's Climate Division Webpage. Includes references and related documentation.
Data caveats,
Get climate division boundaries.
Get stations that went into division data (from NCDC's ftp server).
Divisional Areas and other useful files from NCDC.
US Map with list of map climate divisions and individual state maps of the climate divisions (with counties).
Get State averaged temperature and precipitation climatologies.
Related Pages
Atmospheric and Ocean Time series (SOI, PNA, etc.).
Get timeseries from climate division dataset and other datasets.
Plot maps and time series at one climate division (from NCDC). Choose "map interface to selected online data". Under select products, choose "divisional data".

NOAA/NCEI Climate Division data:
Mapping and Analysis Web Tool

Latest date of data update at PSD: Jan 12, 2017

bullet Variable?
bullet Type of plot?
bullet Anomaly: Choose base period.
bullet Beginning month of season bullet Ending month
bullet Enter 4 DIGIT Year(s). Valid range is January 1895 to Dec 2016 . For seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the first month. Default is current year.

Enter a range of years
bullet Optional: Contour Interval Low: Hi: Contour Interval:(You must input all 3 options.)
bullet Units: English (inches/F) Metric(cm/C)
bullet Optional: Scale Plot Size(1-200% ; Default 100%)
bullet White for central values for anomalies/percentiles? Yes No
bullet Flip color table? No Yes
error submittal form (Report Bugs)

Dataset is obtained from National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

It is provisional and may be subject to correction by NCEI at a later date!

Correlate atmosphere ocean timeseries with climate division data. Index time series start in 1948 or after.
Beta version of correlation page calculates correlations from 1895. Tmax,Tmin, Heating Degree Days (HDD), and Cooling Degree Days (CDD) variables are also available.new
This is a Research and Development Application