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Juliana Dias, (Credit: Barb DeLuisi, NOAA)
Juliana Dias (Credit: Barb DeLuisi, NOAA)

Juliana Dias receives Quarterly Journal Editor's Award

May 8, 2014

Dr. Juliana Dias, a CIRES scientist working in ESRL's Physical Sciences Division (PSD), will receive a 2013 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Editor's Award for her exceptional dedication to the theoretical details as part of the review process. The award will be presented on May 14th during the Royal Meteorological Society's Annual General Meeting in London, UK.

Dias completed her Ph.D. in Mathematics and Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences from New York University in 2010. For the past four years she has worked in PSD's Tropical Dynamics group, which is led by Dr. George Kiladis. Current projects include the MJO modulations of high frequency convective variability, tropical-extratropical wave interactions, and assessing the leading modes of synoptic variability in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Dias' research interests focus on the causes and effects of the relationship between rainfall and tropical dynamics at scales ranging from days to several months.

Congratulations Juliana!