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ESRL Physical Sciences Division researcher Marty Hoerling (CREDIT: Will von Dauster, NOAA)
ESRL Physical Sciences Division researcher Marty Hoerling (CREDIT: Will von Dauster, NOAA)

Hoerling to present for OSU Webinar on Climate Change and Extreme Weather

April 23, 2014

On Thursday, 24 April 2014, 12:00-1:30 (ET), ESRL Physical Sciences Division researcher Marty Hoerling will present a talk on "Extreme Events in a Warming World" for an Ohio State University Climate Webinar on Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Recent Events and Future Forecasts. Barbara Mayes Boustead, a forecast meteorologist and climate program manager at the National Weather Service office in Omaha/Valley, Nebraska, will also present a talk for the webinar on "Climate Predictions and Connections to Weather."

The webinar is free and will cover:

  • weather and climate change
  • a discussion of recent weather events across the country
  • how climate change is likely to affect future extreme weather events and their frequency
  • resources that can help people understand and manage the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions via a live chat after the presentations.

For more information, please visit the webinar website.