Timeseries Extraction Information
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Extract 4 or 8 Hourly Timeseries
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Related Time Series Analysis Pages
Extract Daily Timeseries
Extract Monthly Timeseries
Plot and analyze monthly time series
Plot daily gridded composites
Data Documentation
NCAP/NCAR Reanalysis
20th Century Reanalysis
Daily Index time series

Access and Analyze Hourly Weather/Climate Time Series

The purposes of this page are to extract timeseries from different datasets, to extract various climate/ocean/atmosphere timeseries and to select dates from those time series that can be used in examing different weather and climate events. These dates can be saved and used in the web page in order to investigate different variables at various lead/lags associated with the phenomenom being examined.

Select variable/level or pregenerated time series. Page will obtain dates that correspond to a criteria you supply. You can limit the selection to a set or range of years and a particular season.

Time series Selection
OR: Choose a variable from the NCEP Reanalysis dataset
Variable? Choose a Level?
OR: Choose a variable from the 20thC V2 dataset
Variable? Choose a Level?
OR: Choose a variable from the 20thC V2 dataset
Variable? Choose a Level?
OR: Choose a variable from the ERA-Interim dataset
Variable? Choose a Level?
For Gridded Datasets:
Latitude? Longitude?
Choose (times) of day. Some variables are 4 times a day and others are 8.
0Z3Z6Z9Z12Z15Z18Z21Z All
Time Series Action Choices
Get timeseries Get subset of dates
Highest Lowest Days from season/years selected (limit 200)
OR   Value to composite on Type of comparison:
Season/Year Refinement
Beginning month of season Ending month
Enter range of years
OR Enter Years to use (from 1 to 20) e.g. 1972. For seasons that span a year (e.g. DJF), please enter year of the LAST month.