PSD Collaborative Data Projects

PSD has a number of data collaborations with other institutions. Some involve software and data display. Others are forecast collections or are attempts to improve historic data sets. Our collaborations are an important part of PSD.

Software and Data Libraries

OPeNDAP provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients
NOMADS (NOAA National Operational Model Archive & Distribution System
A Web-services based pilot project providing both real-time and retrospective format independent access to climate and weather model data.
The mission of THREDDS is for students, educators and researchers to publish, contribute, find, and interact with data relating to the Earth system in a convenient, effective, and integrated fashion.
LAS: Live Access Server.
Software to plot data on the web. From PMEL and involving multiple institutions.
NetCDF standards for climate data files

Historic Dataset Projects

ICOADS (International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set)
Ocean observations from the 1700s onwards are processed and made available for scientists in various forms.
20th Century Reanalysis
Using a state-of-the-art data assimilation system and surface pressure observations, the Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project is generating a six-hourly, four-dimensional global atmospheric dataset spanning 1871 to present to place current atmospheric circulation patterns into a historical perspective.
GCOS Historic Surface Pressure
Various historic pressure and SST datasets are archived and provided to users for analysis/comparison.

Observational Observing Projects Datasets

Complete list of past and present field projects
Prominent Projects
Boulder Atmospheric Observatory
The BAO is a unique research facility for studying the planetary boundary layer and for testing and calibrating atmospheric sensors. It has been the host of several large national and international experiments and numerous smaller ones.
The NOAA Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT) Program
The HMT is a concept aimed at accelerating the infusion of new technologies, models, and scientific results from the research community into daily forecasting operations of the National Weather Service (NWS) and its River Forecast Centers (RFCs). It is applied regionally with California coastal region being the first test.
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Arctic Atmospheric Observatories
Texas Air Quality Climate Study

Forecast Dataset Projects

MJO Forecast Archive:
Various weather forecasts of the MJO were archived and analyzed both to diagnose ocean/atmosphere dynamics and to provide forecasts.

Climate Model Diagnostic Projects

Seasonal Diagnostics Consortium
It is an OGP/NOAA sponsored activity to understand seasonal predictability and to seek attribution for the observed seasonal climate anomalies on a near-real time .

Future Projects:

NIDIS (National Integrated Drought Information System)
There are plans to have some of the Drought data archived at PSD.
MEI Reanalysis
The MEI will be reanalyzed to produce values before 1950.
IPCC Assessment
PSD plans to archive some of the data for the IPCC assessment.