Home / Inside the Navy / 80 Years of Excellence for the Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community

80 Years of Excellence for the Navy Information Warfare/Cryptology Community

By Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Collection, James D. Eaton
Lead Chief Petty Officer, Navy Cryptologic Office (N9), U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet

Happy 80th anniversary of the founding of the Navy’s cryptologic/information warfare community! 1blog 3blogMarch 11, 1935 marked the standup of the Navy’s Communications Security Group, which was later renamed the Naval Security Group. The date is observed as the birth of Navy cryptology with the first use of the “group” moniker that would last seven decades until the evolution that advanced into today’s U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet. The Navy’s modern cryptologic history can be traced back to the first wireless transmission from a U.S. Navy ship in 1899, made possible by the research of Lieutenant Bradley A. Fiske. It truly took sail in October 1928 when the Navy implemented training for its inaugural class of ‘foreign wireless communications intercept’ operators in a blockhouse on the roof of the old Navy Department building, and the “On-the-Roof Gang” was born. At the height of WWII the Naval communication program comprised more than 22,000 officers and 225,000 Sailors. Since that time, cryptologists have played a direct role in every U.S. conflict and have evolved to meet the dynamic challenges of modern cyber warfare. Congratulations to all of our outstanding Shipmates who carry on the storied heritage of Navy cryptology. INFOGRAPHIC IW CTb Learn more about these Navy careers at the following links: Navy Information Warfare (IT) and Cryptology (CT).



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One comment

  1. I think that Prince has a lot of nerve telling Mya Harrison that her music needs to “grow up.” This is not the year 1984, this is 2015! Prince and his purple motorcycle are not really “in style” right now so I don’t think that Prince can criticize Mya. I have been speaking with Cheryl “Sunny” Thompson of Minnesota who is friends with Prince and his manager Craig Rice. Anyways….Happy Easter! The idea that the Unified Field Theory would apply to the four Synoptic Gospels would necessarily indicate that Jesus Christ is the unification of all four fundamental forces in nature. Meanwhile, I have converted to Hinduism because my dad is from India vis-a-vis Trinidad and Tobago (Woodbrooke). Mike Owens is the cousin of Mya, and he can be reached at (443)416-8414 or . I have so many producers and engineers calling Mike that he probably thinks that he is the new Tommy Mottolaor Clive Davis. As far as the connection between Unified Field Theory, the Synoptic Gospels, and Jesus Christ, would any quantum physicist have ever come up with that kind of a conjecture? It takes a quirky, bizarre, esoteric guy like me to make that connection! Once in a while I like to engage in a nerdy, geeky discussion about Theoretical Physics to remind myself and other people that I have a doctorate degree and a Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University, and at some point I would like to be a tenured professor at any university teaching my interpretation of Theoretical Physics. Also, I am damn near 40 years old and so I would like to be remembered as a nerdy, geeky professor.

    I am now focusing my energy on the “central vanishing point” of certain pictures showing train tracks in which two parallel lines seemingly converge in the distance and what only could be described as anon-Euclidean geometry due to the fact that parallel lines do not converge in a Euclidean geometry. Geometry gets somewhaat bizarre when you begin a discussion about Riemannian manifolds, Calabi-Yau manifolds, mobius strips, Klein bottles, and Kaluza-Klein Theory. Space-time seems to “rip apart” at or near the singularity of a rotating or non-rotating black hole which have an “information loss paradox.” I am also focusing on the wheel which is a simple machine that needs to have a gravitational force pulling it down at a point tangential to the ground. At the same time, this wheel as a simple machine needs to have the repulsive electromagnetic force of the ground’s electrons pushing up against the wheel at this very same tangential point. The wheel also needs the attractive electromagnetic force of the molecules of the tire (rubber) to keep the wheel together whereby the molecules are held together through hydrogen bonds, covalent bonding, and ionic bonding. There are other “pseudo-forces” called Van der Waals bonds that are sometimes relevant. Without gravity and electromagnetic forces opposing each other at the very point that the wheel is tangent to the ground (road), this simple machine could not transform its circular motion into the linear motion in which the four tires of a car propel the car forward. I am examining this phenomenon in particular because the electromagnetic force seem to be the only one of the four fundamental forces in which there can be a force of attraction or repulsion.

    The “weak force” of fission involves only a repulsive force involving gauge bosons referred to as W and Z bosons. Likewise, the “strong force” of fusion only involves an attractive force bringingbaryons and hadrons together through the usage of gauge bosons known as gluons that bring togetherup quarks, down quarks, bottom quarks, top quarks, strange quarks, and charm quarks. Quarks were discovered by Murray Gell-Mann who later won the Nobel Prize for this discovery. James Chadwick discovered neutrons (fermions that are hadrons). Quarks and leptons (like electrons andneutrinos) are composed of superstrings in the form of open strings and closed strings which can also be “left-movers” and “right-movers.” Chaos theory, fractals, Poincare Recurrence Theorem, and the “strange attractor”can be applied to the whole concept of superstrings because they have an infinite circumference of “nodes of vibration” that enclose a finite area or volume. The Pauli-Exclusion Principle holds that bosons have “integer spin” and can occupy the same position in space-time while fermions have “half-spin” and can not occupy the same positions in space-time. Photons are the “gauge bosons” for the electromagnetic force while gravitons are the “gauge bosons” for the gravitational force. The concept of supersymmetry in coordination with the Standard Model of Particle Physics would necessarily entail that all gauge bosons and fermions were lined up with their”superpartners” at the time of The Big Bang. The “superpartners” of the fermions are bosons while the “superpartners” of the bosons are fermions. For example, the “superpartner” of an electron is a boson called the “selectron” while the “superpartner” of the photon is a fermion called the “photino.” “Superpartners” are not to be confused with anti-matter and dark matter.

    The anti-particle of the electron is a positron. When an electron and a positron collide, they form apositronium atom and instantaneously annihilate into gamma radiation and essentially cancel each other. And so the ultimate question is essentially, “What is past the event horizon or Schwarzschild Radius of a black hole or what is inside a wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge?” Is there anti-matter past the event horizon of a black hole? Is there dark-matter past the event horizon of a black hole? Are there super-partners past the event horizon of a black hole? Is there nothing at the center of a black hole. Hence, the Socratic Method can be applied to Quantum Physics, the Special Theory of Relativity, the General Theory of Relativity, Superstring Theory, Dark Matter, and the Standard Model of Particle Physics! I solved an ancient riddle and nobody really noticed! What do the Pentagon, the “magic square” of the Roman Empire, and The Bermuda Triangle all have in common? Radar is a palindrome! The “magic square” of The Roman Empire has the words “PATER NOSTER” inscribed on it in addition to the palindromes SATOR, ROTAS, OPERA, AREPO, and TENET. Does the “magic square” of the Roman Empire have something to do with the dormer CIA director George Tenet? I once wrote a letter to Professor George Tenet while he was at Georgetown University.

    Accordingly, I once told George Tenet that I thought that Adriana Lima had something to do with the”riddle of the Sphinx” in that Jesus would return as a “lioness” and not a lion. Many people don’t realize that “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” was a Christian-inspired book written by C.S. Lewis. The Sphinx is a lioness and so is Jesus Christ or Jessica Christ or Jesus Christina! And maybe the Navy can solve the mystery of what happened to Flight 19. Bruce Gernon described an”electronic fog” that he experienced in The Bermuda Triangle. Vincent Gaddis first described The Bermuda Triangle in Argosy Magazine. There are both UFO’s and unidentified submerged objects (USO’s) in The Bermuda Triangle. There are also some strange occurrences related to the Rendlesham Forest Incident and Hy Brasil off the coast of Ireland. Could the “Atlantis” that Plato referred to be Hy Brasil or perhaps Bimini off the coast of Bermuda (which seems to be Edgar Cayce’s theory). When I think about Edgar Cayce, I think about Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman for some reason. Weird! Maybe I am a psychic too just like Edgar Cayce and Michel de Nostradamus. I met Casey Anthony in downtown Miami. Somebody needs to bridge the gap between science and religion. They are not “mutually exclusive.” Would Jesus Christ have prayed for the gays in the same manner that he allegedly prayed for prostitutes, lepers, and tax collectors?

    On that note, “being gay” does not give “gay men” the “green light” to bash or attack women under any circumstances! My emails read like fortune cookies. The FBI and police should know that a gay man named “Myke” has been cyberharassing and cyberbullying my roommate Nicole Mendez

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