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Energy & Climate Change

PPRC offers an array of programs that promote clean energy and/or prevent greenhouse gas emissions. Our work includes supporting Solarize campaigns, assessing businesses’ energy efficiency opportunities, training painters to emit less pollutants, and connecting organizations with the resources needed to both reduce energy use and save money.

Toxics & Waste

PPRC believes strongly in source control, or preventing pollution as close to the source as possible. Unlike end-of-pipe solutions, source control promotes both environmental and economic vitality. PPRC has been at the forefront of developing partnerships in diverse fields that prevent or reduce toxics and waste. Our work includes programs in green chemistry, wastewater pollutants, and stormwater.

Technical Assistance

PPRC offers broad-spectrum technical assistance to small and mid-sized businesses. Our staff of experts in chemical engineering, waste, and green systems can provide holistic assessments of your organization’s environmental footprint. We specialize in looking for ways to improve both economic and environmental performance.

Topic Hubs

Pollution Prevention issues can vary sector by sector. PPRC collaborates with other P2 centers nationwide to develop sector-based resource guides. So far, we have compiled guides on over 80 industries – from auto body shops to ski resorts. Check out the full list to see if your industry is covered. You can save significant time and resources by seeing what problems and solutions already exist to sustainability issues in your industry.

Rapid Response

PPRC provides free and well-researched answers to specific questions about pollution prevention. We provide thorough and unbiased answers to help you make decisions. We offer a staff of seasoned problem solvers with diverse expertise in manufacturing processes, chemical engineering, energy efficiency, and many other fields.

P2 Tools & Calculators

PPRC offers a series of tools to help businesses in their quest to gauge, understand, and reduce pollution while also saving money.

Greening Sports

Sports venues in America have tremendous potential to reduce their environmental impact by greening operations and engaging fans in green initiatives. PPRC’s “Greening Sports” project is designed to complement efforts by the Green Sports Alliance (GSA), the U.S. EPA, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and others to help teams, venues, and leagues improve their environmental and economic performance. PPRC provides technical assistance and resources to assist these efforts.

Educational Resources

In serving as a resource for pollution prevention material, PPRC convenes regional conferences, events, and webinars on a variety of pollution prevention topics.
The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) is a nonprofit organization that is the Northwest’s leading source of high quality, unbiased pollution prevention (P2) information. PPRC works collaboratively with business, government, non-government organizations, and other sectors to promote environmental protection through pollution prevention. PPRC believes that environmental and economic vitality go hand in hand, and that both are necessary to protect the high quality of life enjoyed in our region.
pollution prevention resource exchange logoPPRC is a proud member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers.
  • Upcoming Events

    25th Anniversary Celebration - October 24 - Silver Cloud Hotel - Seattle Stadium
    Join us on Monday, October 24, 2016, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Silver Cloud Hotel-Seattle Stadiums, for toasting and roasting those who have contributed to our success! RSVP with name and # of guests to: 25thAnniversary@pprc.org

    Regional Roundtable 2016 - October 25 & 26 - Suquamish Clearwater Resort Conference Center
    Our 25th Annual Regional Roundtable will focus on two of the most crucial aspects to long term environmental health: creating clean energy and fewer toxic substances. More information and registration here.

    Bi-Lingual Spray Efficiency Training - Date TBD
    This FREE training, offered in both Spanish and English, provides the necessary certification for 6H and teaches a variety of techniques proven to reduce overspray, save money, and improve the health of painters.

    Este entrenamiento, GRATIS, proporciona la necesaria certificación de 6H, y enseña una variedad de ajustes a la técnica que se han demostrado para reducir la dispersión excesiva, ahorrar dinero y mejorar la calidad de la pintura. Registrase aqui.

  • PPRC Blog


    • Safer Alternatives for the Automotive Industry [read]
    • Solarize Kirkland [read]
    • EcoBiz Certification Program [read]
    • FOG Prevention Training for Rural Communities [read]
    • Spray Painting Efficiency Training (STAR & NESHAP) [read]
    • P2 Results Measurement Tool [read]
    Website © PPRC.