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Climate Division Plots
Data Notes and caveats
How to read file used in plot.
How to reference plots
RSS: Dataset updates RSS (Info)
Climate Division Information
NCDC's Climate Division Webpage. Includes references and related documentation.
Data caveats,
Get climate division boundaries.
Get stations that went into division data (from NCDC's ftp server).
Divisional Areas and other useful files from NCDC.
US Map with list of map climate divisions and individual state maps of the climate divisions (with counties).
Get State averaged temperature and precipitation climatologies.
Related Pages
Atmospheric and Ocean Time series (SOI, PNA, etc.).
Get timeseries from climate division dataset and other datasets.
Plot maps and time series at one climate division (from NCDC). Choose "map interface to selected online data". Under select products, choose "divisional data".

US Climate Division Data: Caveats

  1. HDD and CDD often will have "0" mean for certain regions and/or seasons. Ranks and percentiles may yield odd results if all or most of the values are 0. Please keep that in mind in interpreting those plots.
  2. Recent data is subject to correction at NCDC. Generally, this occurs within 6 months if at all.
  3. Old Version August 1927 has incorrect temperature values for all of Indiana. These values are included in the climatologies that extend over 1927 and of course in any plots that include that month.
  4. Old Version Data before 1931 was calculated with a different method. Divisional data was calculated "from linear regression ofstatewide averages to direct climate division averages beginning in 1931". See the A New Homogenized Climate Division Precipitation Dataset for Analysis of Climate Variability and Climate Change: D.B. McRoberts and J.W. Nielson-Gammon, June 2011, Journal of Applied Meteorology and climatology, 50, 1187-1199 and Guttman and Quayle, 1996:A historical perspective of U.S. climate divisons. Bull Amer. Meteor. Soc. 77, 293-303.