Pick 5: Save Electricity!

Hey Pick 5ers,  it’s time again for you to share what you’ve done, how you did it, etc.  Today we cover action #3: save electricity. Please share your stories as comments below.  If you haven’t done it yet, Pick 5 for the Environment and then come back to comment. You can also still share how you save water! and how you commute without polluting.
When I needed a new refrigerator, I looked for an Energy Star label before making my final decision because it will help me save on electricity.

My electric company suggests that using electricity during off peak hours (9:00 pm- 6:00am weekdays and anytime on weekends) is much cheaper. I am now doing laundry during the off peak hours; this is also a way to help save electricity.

I’ve also changed my light bulbs to compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs.  Not only am I going to save on my electric bill, but I’m also saving the environment. It has cost me a little more, but in the long run they will last longer.

I no longer leave my outside lights on: I’ve replaced them with solar lights. I’ve also unplugged items not being used throughout my home, along with turning off unused items.

Can’t wait to receive next month’s electric bill to see how much I have saved!

Now it’s your turn: How do you save electricity? If you’re not sure how, learn more on EPA’s site. http://www.epa.gov/Energy/electricity.html

Note: to ward off advertisers using our blog as a platform, we don’t allow specific product endorsements.  But feel free to suggest Web sites that review products, suggest types of products, and share your experiences using them!

About the author: Denise Owens has worked at EPA for over twenty years. She is currently working in the Office of Public Affairs in Washington, DC.