Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) Report (FY 2009 through FY 2015) Financial Information FRPP Total Obligations by Fiscal Year In thousands of dollars Division, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Alabama , 570.4, 568.4, 129.3, 56.8, 239.6, 7.3, 10.1, Alaska , 717.0, 10.4, 5.4, 471.7, 89.7, 0.4, 1.4, Arizona , 131.1, 9.0, 22.1, 248.0, 29.0, 8.8, 9.8, Arkansas , 17.5, , 6.8, 9.1, , 0.8, 0.9, California , 3755.4, 5132.3, 3279.8, 4054.7, 4506.3, 102.5, 58.9, Caribbean , ,,,,, 0.2, 0.3, Colorado , 5701.0, 6581.2, 8584.2, 7322.5, 16282.1, 139.2, 494.5, Connecticut , 5919.7, 6504.3, 6551.3, 6773.3, 1389.8, 131.1, 198.5, Delaware , 5728.4, 5063.2, 5068.4, 4892.5, 4400.6, 87.9, 172.6, Florida , 1504.2, 8621.1, 5194.6, 5031.4, 2977.3, 12.5, 4.3, Georgia , 17.6, 24.5, 830.9, 159.9, 2.0, 0.7, 0.9, Hawaii/Pacific , 335.9, 15.5, 653.2, 2564.2, 116.7, 15.4, 2.2, Idaho , 1094.3, 1373.3, 1220.7, 1148.0, 1597.1, 25.9, 11.1, Illinois , 1633.3, 16.9, 11.8, 37.0, 268.6, 7.4, 5.1, Indiana , 2.2, 0.2, 9.4, ,, 0.8, 0.9, Iowa , 0.2, , 0.6, ,, 1.3, 4.1, Kansas , 1036.7, 835.6, 424.4, 1738.0, 1873.0, 61.5, 63.4, Kentucky , 3188.4, 2514.2, 2203.2, 442.7, 2154.0, 72.8, 59.1, Louisiana , ,,,,, 1.2, 1.2, Maine , 354.7, 674.3, 2167.3, 1443.2, 1174.7, 11.6, 51.4, Maryland , 4320.0, 4565.7, 2531.1, 1236.0, 102.7, 16.8, 52.5, Massachusetts , 6120.4, 8844.2, 5680.8, 9632.1, 9165.1, 69.6, 303.3, Michigan , 3039.2, 6679.5, 4085.9, 3327.2, 2716.7, 26.7, 49.3, Minnesota , 3061.2, 1434.2, 1208.3, 1287.9, 1397.7, 38.1, 44.9, Mississippi , ,,,, 6.4, 0.9, 1.0, Missouri , 21.2, 20.9, 146.1, 4.6, 55.2, 1.0, 1.4, Montana , 2799.7, 2652.9, 6515.7, 4273.4, 5050.1, 34.5, 57.4, Nebraska , 1481.5, 1144.4, 1517.6, 1078.1, 1006.8, 7.7, 4.0, Nevada , 3625.1, 5435.9, 30.7, 5428.9, 85.2, 7.1, 3.2, New Hampshire , 3972.9, 2681.5, 2539.3, 1941.7, 2722.7, 65.5, 136.3, New Jersey , 6879.5, 9130.6, 8371.0, 10062.8, 6505.5, 65.9, 157.0, New Mexico , 624.0, 617.8, 814.3, 867.3, 632.1, 21.5, 9.7, New York , 2541.5, 5391.9, 5781.9, 5429.8, 4572.0, 82.8, 123.7, North Carolina , 3020.9, 2620.5, 2511.2, 2517.5, 2073.6, 51.4, 472.6, North Dakota , 5.6, 10.6, 10.6, ,, 1.3, 1.6, Ohio , 3363.7, 4081.3, 12132.7, 8652.4, 7066.2, 287.2, 559.8, Oklahoma , 308.8, 345.7, 63.1, 16.3, 744.7, 43.7, 13.5, Oregon , 8.1, 6.8, 6.9, , 22.8, 29.2, 46.3, Pennsylvania , 5821.7, 7216.9, 4558.4, 4586.0, 3654.1, 75.4, 305.1, Rhode Island , 5398.3, 3048.4, 4298.5, 6480.2, 2933.0, 34.7, 64.1, South Carolina , 2814.1, 3564.5, 2727.2, 1552.5, 2150.1, 8.3, 45.5, South Dakota , 5.4, 0.3, 1.2, ,, 0.9, 0.9, Tennessee , 1035.5, 1271.5, 5.0, 4.0, 1248.3, 11.9, 6.6, Texas , 2228.3, 2110.1, 2962.7, 5695.8, 4092.9, 25.5, 24.1, Utah , 920.2, 270.4, 1007.2, 1907.6, 457.0, 15.8, 2.5, Vermont , 3393.6, 3216.8, 3200.9, 3645.7, 4431.4, 114.0, 203.1, Virginia , 1789.5, 1226.9, 962.8, 4283.4, 1879.1, 58.2, 31.7, Washington , 5942.9, 6302.0, 1767.4, 4043.0, 3250.2, 54.8, 407.6, West Virginia , 5622.1, 5798.1, 2587.5, 3263.5, 3230.7, 128.8, 124.3, Wisconsin , 1519.6, 1942.9, 822.3, 977.4, 1113.9, 41.7, 0.7, Wyoming , 3866.0, 21093.1, 53365.2, 15780.9, 6089.6, 356.7, 99.8, Other, 1507.7, 1428.2, 2331.6, 545.9, 2573.6, 410.1, 323.7, Total, 118766.2, 152098.9, 170908.7, 144914.9, 118129.9, 2876.7, 4827.9, FRPP Technical Assistance Obligations by Fiscal Year In thousands of dollars Division, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Alabama , 30.4, 25.8, 32.5, 56.8, 89.6, 6.5, 9.9, Alaska , 17.0, 10.4, 5.4, 40.2, 89.7, 0.4, 1.4, Arizona , 11.1, 9.0, 22.1, 18.2, 29.0, 7.3, 9.8, Arkansas , 17.5, , 6.8, 9.1, , 0.8, 0.9, California , 109.3, 106.6, 98.5, 275.8, 226.2, 71.8, 58.9, Caribbean , ,,,,, 0.2, 0.3, Colorado , 159.9, 129.3, 189.5, 188.1, 245.2, 129.5, 97.9, Connecticut , 186.3, 191.2, 214.8, 349.7, 354.9, 131.1, 198.5, Delaware , 139.4, 144.6, 149.8, 130.2, 107.2, 87.9, 172.6, Florida , 45.0, 114.8, 98.2, 138.8, 63.0, 12.5, 4.3, Georgia , 17.6, 24.5, 39.5, 9.9, , 0.7, 0.9, Hawaii/Pacific , 10.9, 15.5, 45.8, 62.8, 116.7, 15.4, 2.2, Idaho , 33.4, 38.6, 20.2, 44.8, 78.4, 25.9, 11.1, Illinois , 51.8, 8.6, 8.8, 37.0, 44.2, 7.4, 5.1, Indiana , 2.2, 0.2, 9.4, ,, 0.8, 0.9, Iowa , 0.2, , 0.6, ,, 1.3, 4.1, Kansas , 31.8, 19.6, 13.7, 46.5, 65.0, 27.1, 63.4, Kentucky , 164.3, 74.2, 70.9, 103.3, 147.2, 72.8, 59.1, Louisiana , ,,,,, 1.2, 1.2, Maine , 36.6, 54.3, 88.5, 82.8, 21.8, 11.6, 8.9, Maryland , 298.0, 256.1, 176.4, 163.3, 91.7, 16.8, 52.5, Massachusetts , 255.4, 190.4, 181.1, 481.0, 457.0, 69.6, 303.3, Michigan , 153.0, 138.2, 110.9, 114.2, 120.0, 26.0, 49.3, Minnesota , 74.9, 48.4, 47.5, 169.5, 108.8, 32.8, 41.8, Mississippi , ,,,, 6.4, 0.9, 1.0, Missouri , 21.2, 20.1, 4.1, , 12.5, 1.0, 1.4, Montana , 88.8, 64.3, 147.7, 111.3, 201.6, 33.8, 55.1, Nebraska , 29.7, 24.3, 22.1, 42.3, 48.7, 7.7, 3.3, Nevada , 65.9, 143.4, 27.5, 26.4, 82.6, 7.1, 3.2, New Hampshire , 166.6, 175.4, 173.8, 94.0, 67.5, 64.9, 59.3, New Jersey , 423.6, 251.7, 260.9, 411.8, 228.5, 65.9, 157.0, New Mexico , 22.8, 17.8, 22.4, 16.1, 32.1, 19.5, 9.7, New York , 132.1, 148.9, 189.3, 238.0, 291.1, 82.8, 96.0, North Carolina , 99.6, 91.0, 100.4, 219.2, 169.3, 41.1, 147.7, North Dakota , 5.6, 10.6, 10.6, ,, 1.3, 1.6, Ohio , 145.1, 106.7, 313.0, 437.8, 376.4, 136.9, 292.3, Oklahoma , 40.7, 69.2, 62.8, 16.1, 101.1, 43.7, 13.5, Oregon , 8.1, 6.8, 6.9, , 22.8, 18.6, 46.3, Pennsylvania , 293.2, 377.3, 336.4, 193.3, 299.3, 41.9, 304.1, Rhode Island , 97.1, 129.9, 171.0, 163.2, 193.0, 34.7, 64.1, South Carolina , 72.1, 59.7, 59.8, 52.5, 60.0, 7.6, 45.5, South Dakota , 5.4, 0.3, 1.2, ,, 0.9, 0.9, Tennessee , 35.5, 21.5, 5.0, 4.0, 60.6, 10.3, 6.6, Texas , 65.1, 35.1, 62.5, 111.9, 88.4, 25.5, 24.1, Utah , 26.9, 14.7, 26.9, 44.1, 96.8, 15.8, 2.5, Vermont , 288.8, 211.1, 211.3, 306.8, 239.9, 114.0, 203.1, Virginia , 54.2, 49.4, 49.8, 141.7, 147.4, 58.2, 31.7, Washington , 157.0, 106.0, 88.3, 218.2, 106.7, 54.8, 56.6, West Virginia , 155.9, 156.2, 124.0, 158.3, 81.5, 120.3, 121.7, Wisconsin , 112.6, 96.5, 68.5, 126.9, 106.6, 6.6, 0.7, Wyoming , 83.9, 437.6, 1231.3, 411.7, 581.0, 199.3, 86.8, Other, 1307.7, 1428.2, 2259.1, 545.9, 2245.0, 410.1, 323.7, Total, 5851.0, 5854.1, 7667.7, 6613.7, 8402.4, 2382.3, 3318.0, FRPP Financial Assistance Obligations by Fiscal Year In thousands of dollars Division, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Alabama , 540.0, 542.7, 96.8, , 150.0, 0.8, 0.2, Alaska , 700.0, ,, 431.5, ,,, Arizona , 120.0, ,, 229.8, , 1.5, , California , 3646.1, 5025.7, 3181.3, 3778.9, 4280.1, 30.7, , Colorado , 5541.1, 6451.9, 8394.7, 7134.4, 16036.9, 9.8, 396.6, Connecticut , 5733.4, 6313.0, 6336.4, 6423.6, 1034.9, ,, Delaware , 5589.0, 4918.6, 4918.6, 4762.3, 4293.4, ,, Florida , 1459.2, 8506.3, 5096.3, 4892.6, 2914.3, ,, Georgia , ,, 791.4, 150.0, 2.0, ,, Hawaii/Pacific , 325.0, , 607.4, 2501.4, ,,, Idaho , 1060.9, 1334.7, 1200.5, 1103.1, 1518.7, ,, Illinois , 1581.5, 8.3, 3.0, , 224.4, ,, Kansas , 1004.9, 816.0, 410.7, 1691.5, 1808.0, 34.4, , Kentucky , 3024.2, 2440.0, 2132.4, 339.4, 2006.8, ,, Maine , 318.1, 620.0, 2078.9, 1360.4, 1152.9, , 42.5, Maryland , 4022.0, 4309.6, 2354.7, 1072.7, 11.0, ,, Massachusetts , 5865.0, 8653.8, 5499.7, 9151.0, 8708.1, ,, Michigan , 2886.2, 6134.4, 2012.2, 3201.1, 2596.7, 0.8, , Minnesota , 2986.4, 1385.8, 1160.8, 1118.4, 1288.9, 5.3, 3.1, Missouri , , 0.8, 142.0, 4.6, 42.7, ,, Montana , 2710.9, 2588.5, 6368.0, 4162.2, 4848.5, 0.8, 2.3, Nebraska , 1451.7, 1120.1, 1495.5, 1035.8, 958.1, , 0.7, Nevada , 3559.2, 5292.5, 3.2, 5402.5, 2.6, ,, New Hampshire , 3806.3, 2506.1, 2365.6, 1847.7, 2655.2, 0.6, 77.0, New Jersey , 6455.8, 8878.9, 8110.1, 9651.1, 6277.0, ,, New Mexico , 601.2, 600.0, 791.8, 851.2, 600.0, 2.0, , New York , 2409.4, 4159.2, 5591.9, 5191.8, 4280.9, , 27.6, North Carolina , 2921.3, 2529.5, 2410.7, 2298.4, 1904.3, 10.3, 324.8, Ohio , 3218.6, 3658.8, 11802.2, 8214.7, 6689.8, 150.3, 267.5, Oklahoma , 268.0, 276.5, 0.3, 0.3, 643.6, -0.1, , Oregon , ,,,,, 10.6, , Pennsylvania , 5528.5, 6443.0, 4008.2, 4392.6, 3354.8, 33.5, 1.0, Rhode Island , 5301.2, 2918.5, 4127.5, 6317.1, 2740.0, ,, South Carolina , 2742.0, 3504.8, 2667.5, 1500.0, 2090.1, 0.8, , Tennessee , 1000.0, 1250.0, ,, 1187.7, 1.6, , Texas , 2163.2, 2075.0, 2900.2, 5583.9, 4004.5, ,, Utah , 893.3, 255.7, 980.3, 1863.5, 360.2, ,, Vermont , 3104.9, 3005.7, 2989.6, 3338.9, 4191.5, ,, Virginia , 1735.4, 1177.5, 912.9, 4141.7, 1731.7, ,, Washington , 5785.9, 6196.0, 1679.1, 3824.8, 3143.5, , 351.0, West Virginia , 5466.1, 5641.9, 2463.5, 3105.1, 3149.2, 8.4, 2.7, Wisconsin , 1407.0, 1846.5, 753.8, 850.5, 1007.3, 35.2, , Wyoming , 3782.2, 20655.5, 52134.0, 15369.2, 5508.6, 157.4, 13.0, Other, 200.0, , 72.5, , 328.6, ,, Total, 112915.2, 144041.8, 161046.1, 138289.2, 109727.5, 494.4, 1510.0, FRPP Reimbursable Obligations by Fiscal Year In thousands of dollars Division, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Michigan , , 406.9, 1962.8, 11.9, ,,, New York , , 1083.7, 0.8, ,,,, Ohio , , 315.8, 17.5, ,,,, Pennsylvania , , 396.6, 213.9, ,,,, Total, , 2203.0, 2194.9, 11.9, ,,, Conservation Easements FRPP Cumulative Easement Data by State and Fiscal Year State,Prior Years Number of Easements, Prior Years Acres Enrolled, 2009 Number of Easements, 2009 Acres Enrolled, 2010 Number of Easements, 2010 Acres Enrolled, 2011 Number of Easements, 2011 Acres Enrolled, 2012 Number of Easements, 2012 Acres Enrolled, 2013 Number of Easements, 2013 Acres Enrolled, Total Number of Easements, Total Acres Enrolled Alabama , 23, 4258.6, 5, 786.1, ,,,,,, 1, 266.0, 29, 5310.7, Alaska , 2, 80.0, 1, 40.0, ,,,,,,,, 3, 120.0, Arizona , 3, 2347.0, ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 2347.0, California , 59, 17839.4, 4, 1057.9, 10, 3774.0, 4, 1344.8, 9, 1816.3, 5, 2320.3, 91, 28152.7, Colorado , 74, 47730.0, 17, 5570.6, 15, 14554.4, 18, 9476.8, 12, 17344.5, 9, 6007.1, 145, 100683.3, Connecticut , 72, 7670.2, 16, 1537.3, 12, 1608.5, 6, 379.2, 7, 205.6, ,, 113, 11400.9, Delaware , 150, 23302.6, 38, 2380.8, 26, 2973.7, 38, 4349.0, 27, 2393.0, 22, 2961.0, 301, 38360.0, Florida , 15, 14427.0, 3, 205.0, 2, 4908.0, 1, 1107.0, 5, 1550.3, 2, 2458.0, 28, 24655.3, Georgia , 14, 1794.6, ,,,, 2, 269.8, 1, 45.0, ,, 17, 2109.4, Hawaii/Pacific , 3, 302.6, ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 302.6, Idaho , 12, 4397.7, 2, 4780.0, 2, 1109.0, 1, 3040.0, ,, 5, 1954.3, 22, 15281.0, Illinois , 27, 4014.0, 3, 328.0, ,,,,,,,, 30, 4342.0, Iowa , 12, 2731.5, ,,,,,,,,,, 12, 2731.5, Kansas , 17, 17985.0, 1, 3888.0, 3, 3572.3, 2, 1454.0, 2, 1255.0, 2, 875.0, 27, 29029.3, Kentucky , 170, 28521.0, 11, 1682.0, 9, 1104.5, 4, 986.7, 1, 141.2, 4, 705.3, 199, 33140.7, Maine , 22, 5008.0, 2, 107.0, 2, 252.0, 6, 1106.5, 3, 471.5, ,, 35, 6945.0, Maryland , 218, 29384.4, 5, 827.2, 5, 915.9, 8, 1570.7, ,,,, 236, 32698.2, Massachusetts , 171, 11681.4, 16, 1301.1, 22, 1455.5, 21, 1487.5, 29, 1601.0, 18, 1023.0, 277, 18549.5, Michigan , 60, 8472.4, 5, 771.5, 31, 4595.7, 12, 1658.5, 15, 1844.4, 5, 692.7, 128, 18035.2, Minnesota , 25, 2920.1, 8, 1141.0, 8, 701.0, 8, 1101.0, 6, 499.0, 6, 516.0, 61, 6878.1, Missouri , 2, 172.0, ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 172.0, Montana , 24, 29428.2, 10, 6753.0, 6, 5241.4, 8, 39849.0, 4, 7455.0, ,, 52, 88726.6, Nebraska , 2, 782.0, 5, 2270.9, 3, 5316.0, 2, 25712.0, 1, 176.0, ,, 13, 34256.9, Nevada , 4, 405.0, 1, 45.0, ,,,,,,,, 5, 450.0, New Hampshire , 96, 6206.7, 6, 909.5, 8, 306.3, 10, 599.6, 7, 270.3, 5, 401.2, 132, 8693.5, New Jersey , 157, 16360.9, 9, 562.3, 15, 845.1, 14, 1074.3, 10, 741.3, 2, 124.6, 207, 19708.5, New Mexico , 11, 309.8, 1, 2880.0, 1, 2040.0, 1, 2260.0, 2, 15634.0, ,, 16, 23123.8, New York , 86, 20000.9, 7, 2846.2, 9, 1364.2, 12, 912.7, 13, 1865.8, 11, 1398.1, 138, 28387.9, North Carolina , 60, 9640.8, 12, 1653.4, 10, 910.2, 10, 706.3, 8, 708.9, 7, 447.8, 107, 14067.4, North Dakota , 3, 210.0, ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 210.0, Ohio , 128, 24827.7, 20, 3613.0, 15, 2994.4, 61, 8557.6, 28, 3423.8, 32, 4812.3, 284, 48228.8, Oklahoma , 17, 1972.1, ,, 3, 379.2, ,,,,,, 20, 2351.3, Oregon , 5, 15908.0, ,,,,,,,,,, 5, 15908.0, Pennsylvania , 325, 45088.2, 31, 3847.1, 31, 3520.5, 17, 2390.6, 26, 2489.2, 18, 1795.5, 448, 59130.9, Rhode Island , 30, 2107.0, 2, 106.9, 3, 118.6, 1, 64.7, 7, 162.9, 1, 47.7, 44, 2607.8, South Carolina , 38, 4706.2, 3, 1759.1, 4, 1184.9, 3, 565.0, 1, 14.0, 3, 773.9, 52, 9003.1, Tennessee , 5, 742.0, 1, 152.0, ,,,,,, 1, 499.0, 7, 1393.0, Texas , 7, 4262.9, 2, 637.0, 1, 244.0, ,,,, 1, 742.0, 11, 5885.9, Utah , 15, 3029.0, 2, 53.1, 1, 10.3, 5, 364.9, 1, 218.0, 1, 85.7, 25, 3761.0, Vermont , 234, 47760.7, 20, 3210.8, 20, 3688.6, 20, 3144.2, 23, 3027.0, 28, 4052.0, 345, 64883.3, Virginia , 27, 6228.3, 5, 614.6, 3, 955.0, 4, 586.0, 9, 1497.2, ,, 48, 9881.1, Washington , 65, 5551.9, 20, 1674.5, 13, 3114.7, 5, 543.0, 21, 1662.9, 5, 1355.1, 129, 13902.1, West Virginia , 58, 6961.9, 26, 2904.0, 21, 3118.5, 9, 1282.0, 7, 1561.4, 2, 210.7, 123, 16038.4, Wisconsin , 73, 10071.6, 2, 720.5, 7, 1251.9, 1, 105.2, 3, 516.7, 3, 437.0, 89, 13102.9, Wyoming , 16, 27590.0, 4, 4992.0, 11, 21300.6, 8, 46396.0, 9, 18620.0, 1, 80.0, 49, 118978.6, Total, 2637, 525191.1, 326, 68608.3, 332, 99428.7, 322, 164444.6, 297, 89211.3, 200, 37041.2, 4114, 983925.1, Sources: Financial Data FY 2012-2015: USDA-NRCS Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI). Financial Data FY 2009-2011: USDA-NRCS Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS). Contracts Data: USDA-NRCS ProTracts Program Contracts System October 2015. Easement Data: USDA-NRCS National Easement Staging Tool (NEST) October 2015 supplemented by information from State Program Managers. Financial Data Notes: Other indicates Headquarters- Regional- or other non-State divisions. Totals may not exactly match sum over states due to rounding. Financial data should not be incorporated with the programmatic enrollment data to derive a cost/acre or cost/agreement. Among other reasons- such calculations will not produce accurate results since both technical assistance and financial assistance obligations for associated conservation practices are included in these data- in addition to the obligations used for purchasing easements. The Agricultural Act of 2014 (the 2014 Act) authorized the use of prior year FRPP funds remaining from 2009 through 2013 to carry out agreements or easements entered into prior to the date of enactment of the 2014 Act- including the provision of technical assistance. Pursuant to this authority- the FRPP funds obligated in FY 2014 were used to carry out the due diligence activities- such as environmental or appraisal reviews- required before NRCS can provide the federal share to the cooperating entity under such FRPP agreements or easements. Negative numbers reflect fund adjustments made throughout the year. Easement Data Notes: Prior year totals include FY 1996 through FY 2008 data- with the exception of FY 1999 when FRPP easements were not funded. It was clarified in 71 Fed. Reg. 144- 42568 (July 27 2006) (codified at 7 CFR §§ 1491.4(a)- 1491.22(d)- and 1491.30(b)) that FRPP easements enrolled through September 30 2008 should name the United States as a grantee in the deed of easement. In other fiscal years the United States should have received a contingent right or a right of enforcement in the deed of easement. Enrollment acres are initially reported at the end of each fiscal year. Subsequent acreage reports for prior year enrollments are subject to change as acres are finalized through legal surveys- agreements are cancelled- or other modifications occur in the fiscal years following initial enrollment. Enrollment numbers for each year are based on acres in pending and acquired parcels as of the date the data was extracted. There were no new FRPP contracts signed in 2014. Totals may not exactly match sum over states due to rounding. Website citation: Natural Resources Conservation Service- Washington- DC. 31 July 2016.