Superfund Site Profile

Panama City, Florida. In the past, the installation’s operations contaminated soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water, prompting EPA to place the site on the Superfund program’s National Priorities List (NPL) in 1997. Tyndall does not have a an EPA approved Record of Decision for cleanup of environmental contamination. As such, Tyndall has not met the two Superfund measures of cleanup progress of “current human exposures” and “contaminated groundwater migration” as “under control.” Multiple Operable Units are under investigation for sediment contamination, groundwater contamination and soil contamination.  Once the Remedial Investigations are complete, EPA will be able to make a determination regarding current human exposures and groundwater migration.

The USEPA, Air Force and Florida Department of Environment signed an Interagency Agreement on September 20, 2013 to guide the cleanup of the base. Such agreements are also known as Federal Facility Agreements (FFAs). Negotiated between the federal facility and EPA, these formal agreements are site cleanup plans that ensure coordination of work priorities and establish enforceable schedules for cleanup activities for the life of the project. These agreements also ensure that concerned citizens in the community, including base workers and base residents, have a voice in the cleanup decisions. Typically, the host state also participates as a full partner in negotiating, implementing and enforcing the FFA.

A Site Management Plan to address the schedule of investigation and cleanup at Tyndall Air Force Base was originally approved in 2014.  Annual updates to the enforceable schedule are needed with the last one approved by EPA in September of 2015. 


During the Remedial Investigation of Tyndall Elementary School, the AF was notified by the Bay County School System of the School System's desires and plans to enlarge the front parking lot of the school.  In order work with the school system's schedule and to ensure no inadvertent exposure to the lead pellets detected in the front of the school by workers or students, EPA and FDEP worked with the AF to accelerate that portion of the cleanup through a Time Critical Removal Action.  The Action was planned and implemented in 2015.  The school system is enlarging and landscaping the front parking lot area in 2015.


Letter to the Defense Department and the Air Force: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/federalfacilities/enforcement/cleanup/final-tyndall-letter-of-concern-2013.pdf Interagency Agreements and Improved Project Management Needed to Achieve Cleanup Progress at

If you need documents that are not yet 508 compliant, please contact the National 508 Coordinator, Dorothy Semazzi, at Semazzi.Dorothy@epa.gov.


Contaminated Ground
Water Status
Insufficient Data
Site-Wide Ready for
Anticipated Use?