Scientific Visualization Studio

The SVS is Goddard's one-stop-shop for amazing conceptual animations, data-based visualizations, narrated video, b-roll and more. All the visualizations (currently more than 3,100) are freely accessible. Some animations are available in high definition as well as NTSC format. Where possible, the original digital images used to make these animations have been made accessible.

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Interactive Features

  • Life Cycle of a Goddard Mission

    Goddard Virtual Tour

    Take this interactive tour for a look behind the scenes at the amazing work going on at Goddard.

  • 3-D model of Webb telescope

    3-D Tour of Webb

    Imagine flying around in space to examine a future space observatory that’s under construction today...

  • Thumbnail for interactive: The Story of the Universe by John Mather

    The Story of the Universe by Dr. John Mather

    NASA's Nobel Laureate tells his story of the universe, from the Big Bang to the James Webb Space Telescope.

  • stylized image of Earth with Frozen superimposed

    Frozen: Cold Matters

    NASA's 3D "Science On a Sphere" film showcases some of the coldest places on Earth.

Images via Twitter