Study Concludes Crash Site of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 Likely Falls Within Official Search Area
On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, to Beijing, China went missing with 239 people aboard. The circumstances surrounding the aircraft’s disappearance led to various hypotheses to explain the event and to suggest the location of where the plane entered the water.


Global Characteristics of Coherent Vortices from Surface Drifter Trajectories
In a recent study by Lumpkin (2016) looping trajectories of surface drifting buoys were extracted from the global drifter dataset and analyzed in order to examine the distribution of submesoscale to mesoscale vortices. Over 15,000 looping trajectory segments were identified worldwide.


Investigating the seasonal predictability of significant wave height in the west Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The role of the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability on modulating interhemispheric atmospheric circulation and monsoons.
Fulfilling Observing System Implementation Requirements with the Global Drifter Array.
Global characteristics of coherent vortices from surface drifter trajectories.
An assessment of the Brazil Current baroclinic structure and variability near 22°S in distinct ocean forecasting and analysis systems.



  • Assistant Scientist
  • Hurricane Studies and Forecasts
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100018552)
  • Assistant Scientist
  • Oceanic Variability and Atlantic MOC
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100017219)
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • Extratropical Atmospheric Forcing of ENSO
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100019270)
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • Argo Analysis of Oceanic Variability
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100015914)
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • Atlantic MOC Observations
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100015908)
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • South Atlantic MOC Variability
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100015909)
  • Postdoctoral Associate
  • Southward Returning Pathways of AMOC
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100015913)
  • Research Associate II
  • Argo Data Analysis
  • (CIMAS/UM, position #P100015912)
  • NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateship Program
  • Inter-Ocean Exchanges in the South Atlantic and Their Link to Global Monsoons
  • NRC Research Associateship Programs
  • Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Variability and Extreme Weather
  • NRC Research Associateship Programs
  • Observational and Modeling Studies of AMOC
  • NRC Research Associateship Programs
  • Spatial and Temporal Ocean Circulation Variability
Postdoctoral Associate - Please let us know if are you interested in joining our team as a Postdoctoral Associate working on a field of research closely related to our divisional objectives. You may contact Gustavo Goni for additional details.
For questions regarding these CIMAS positions, please contact Gustavo Goni at (305) 361-4339.