Global Ocean Observations

NOAA/AOML - CARICOOS Hurricane Underwater Gliders

Data Access

Data collected by this project is transmitted in real-time into the Global Telecommunications Systems (GTS), and distributed through this webpage, and through NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System Data Assembly Center (IOOS-DAC)

This webpage provides access to real-time underwater glider data collected by this project. Data for each dive by each underwater gliders is in NetCDF format and updated every 6 hours in the FTP links below.

Acknowledging the data

Please acknowledge as follows:

Underwater glider data provided by NOAA/AOML as part of the NOAA funded "Sustained and Targeted Ocean Observations for Improving Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Hurricane Seasonal Forecasts" Project

Current Mission

Tropical North Atlantic

Underwater Glider ID SG547SG610
Status RecoveredRecovered
Current RegionNorth AtlanticNorth Atlantic
Date of Deployment August 4, 2016August 4, 2016
Date of Recovery November 2nd, 2016November 1st, 2016
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M05JUL2016M05JUL2016

Caribbean Sea

Underwater Glider ID SG609SG630
Status RecoveredRecovered
Current RegionCaribbean SeaCaribbean Sea
Date of Deployment July 21, 2016July 21, 2016
Date of Recovery November 10, 2016November 10, 2016
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M05JUL2016M05JUL2016

Mission 04: March - June, 2016

Underwater Glider ID SG609SG617
Status RecoveredUnknown
Current RegionCaribbean SeaCaribbean Sea
Date of Deployment March 10, 2016March 10, 2016
Date of Recovery June 2, 2016N/A
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M04MAR2016M04MAR2016

Mission 03: July - November, 2015

Underwater Glider ID SG609SG610
Status RecoveredRecovered
Current RegionCaribbean SeaNorth Atlantic
Date of Deployment July 15, 2015August 11, 2015
Date of Recovery November 16, 2015November 18, 2015
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M03JUL2015M03JUL2015

Mission 02: February - April, 2015

Underwater Glider ID SG609SG610
Status RecoveredRecovered
Current RegionCaribbean SeaCaribbean Sea
Date of Deployment February 6, 2015February 6, 2015
Date of Recovery April 27, 2015April 27, 2015
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M02FEB2015M02FEB2015

Mission 01: July - November, 2014

Underwater Glider ID SG609SG610
Status RecoveredRecovered
Current Region North AtlanticCaribbean Sea
Date of Deployment July 19, 2014July 15, 2014
Date of Recovery November 18, 2014November 19, 2014
Total no. of Profiles
Data Access [ftp] M01JUL2014M01JUL2014