GSD Science Fact Sheets

  • Earth System Research Laboratory Global Systems Division Fact Sheet

    GSD Handout

    The Global Systems Division (GSD) of the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) is a leader in the applied research, directed development, and technology transfer of environmental data, models, products, and services. This work enhances environmental understanding with the outcome of supporting commerce, protecting life and property, and promoting a scientifically literate public (Public version).

  • What does GSD do for the Nation?

    GSD Handout

    The Global Systems Division (GSD), part of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), leads the design, development, testing, and delivery of accurate and reliable weather forecast system solutions (Legislative version).

  • High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR)

    GSD Handout

    The HRRR weather prediction system merges weather prediction science and high performance computing technology with a breakthrough technique for using radar data to achieve a new standard for up-to-the-minute weather forecasting.

  • Rapid Refresh (RAP)

    Rapid Refresh Handout

    An hourly updated weather forecast model/assimilation system that replaced the Rapid Updated Cycle (RUC) at NCEP as NOAA's hourly updated model in May 2012

  • Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Model (NIM)

    NIM Handout

    The NIM is a next-generation global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model being developed to improve all aspects of NOAA's global mission. Specifically, it is designed to improve weather prediction for all latitudes including tropical regions.

  • Forecast Impact and Quality Assessment Section (FIQAS)

    FIQAS Handout

    The Forecast Impact and Quality Assessment Section (FIQAS) uses innovative and rigorous research to provide operational agencies with information and technologies to improve the accuracy, quality, and utility of weather information for critical decision points, thus improving services to the public.

  • Ground-Based Meteorology (GPS-Met)

    GPSMet Handout

    Ground-Based Global Positioning System Meteorology (GPS-Met) measures water vapor in the troposphere, monitors total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere, and provides low-cost, high-accuracy data under all weather conditions.

  • FX-Net

    FX-Net Handout

    FX-Net is a Java application that provides access to the basic display capability of an AWIPS weather forecasting workstation via the Internet. The AWIPS workstation user interface is emulated very closely. New data compression techniques are used along with multithreaded client-side processing and communication.

  • Gridded FX-Net

    Gridded FX-Net

    The Gridded FX-Net System combines state-of-the-art data delivery technology, while leveraging existing technology, to deliver high-resolution, gridded model data and bit-map imagery, while minimizing bandwidth consumption and maximizing data throughput.

  • NOAA Earth Information Services

    NEIS Handout

    NOAA Earth Information Services (NEIS) is a framework of layered services designed to help NOAA's mission areas by facilitating the discovery, access, integration, and understanding of all NOAA data (past, present, and future).

  • Flow-Following Finite Volume Icosahedral Model (FIM)

    FIM Handout

    A new computational design for a global icosahedral model has been developed at the Global Systems Division of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL): "Flow-Following – Finite Volume Icosahedral Model", known as the FIM.

  • Design of Cost-Effective Future Observing Systems (GEOSS)

    GEOSS Handout

    An important part of GEOSS is aimed at monitoring atmospheric, oceanic, and land surface conditions in support of weather and climate prediction. Designing improved and cost-effective future observing systems is a challenge as these systems often serve multiple users.

  • Next Generation of High-Performance Computing - GPUs

    GPU Handout

    New regional and global models are being developed that will require over 200,000 computer-processing units (CPUs) in order to improve prediction of hurricanes, and other severe weather events. NOAA researchers are exploring cutting-edge, high-performance computer architectures to handle these enormous computational demands.

  • Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS)

    LAPS Handout

    The Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) is a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) tool that provides a detailed description of the current and imminent local high impact weather conditions.

  • MADIS - The Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System

    MADIS Handout

    The goal of MADIS is to provide a more usable, complete, accurate, timely and higher density observational infrastructure for use in local weather warnings and products, numerical weather prediction, and use by the greater meteorolgy community.


  • GSD's 2016 Research Highlights

    GSD Subtopics Flyer

    High Resoulution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS), Integrated Support for Impacted Air Traffic Environments (INSITE), and SOS Explorer: 3D Earth science on your laptop

  • GSD Server Virtualization

    GSD Handout

    The Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Systems Division (GSD) has a robust Server Virtualization program which began in 2011.

  • Fire Weather Research

    GSD Handout

    GSD works to advance fire weather research using data, modeling, decision support systems, and joint research, planning, and execution. This provides many benefits, improving fire fighter operations.

  • Hazard Services Project

    IHIS Flyer

    One component of the National Weather Service's (NWS) AWIPS II extended effort is the Hazard Services Project. Hazard Services will integrate National Weather Service Hazard Tools in one common interface and process, preserving efficiency of existing applications, and minimizing training

  • GSD and NextGen

    NextGen Handout

    Global Systems Division (GSD) develops weather forecasts, verification tools, and information technology services for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) in order to increase the efficiency of the nation's airspace and maintain high levels of safety.

  • NOAA's Science On a Sphere® (SOS)

    SOS Handout

    NOAA's Science On a Sphere® uses high-speed computers, projectors, and advanced imaging techniques to create the illusion of a planet, the Sun, a moon, or any other celestial body rotating in space and to show weather and other geophysical data.

  • SOS Q & A

    SOS Q & A

    SOS is a globe that shows dynamic animated images of the atmosphere, oceans, and land of a planet. Many displays are possible, limited only by the imagination.

  • SOS Users Collaborative Network

    SOS Users Collaborative Network

    There are currently exhibits featuring SOS at museums and science centers throughout the United States, and the number of these exhibits continues to grow. More than 25 million people per year view SOS.

  • Education and Learning using SOS

    Image of SOS science handout

    The NOAA Office of Education and the Institute for Learning Innovation conducted a cross-site summative evaluation of Science On a Sphere®.

  • Global Locations of SOS

    SOS Locations

    Installations of NOAA's Science On a Sphere are not limited to the U.S. This list contains all of the locations of installations all over the world.

  • SOS Explorer

    SOS Explore Handout

    A desktop-based version of SOS®, SOS Explorer, helps bring the SOS® experience into classrooms and homes. SOS Explorer builds upon SOS exhibits with many of the same datasets, but allows users to explore the data in ways that are not possible in an exhibit setting.

  • High-Performance Supercomputers and Facilities

    Supercomputing Handout

    To improve accuracy and timeliness of predictions, there is an ever increasing volume of complex data and equations that need to be processed. ESRL/GSD is one of NOAA’s three locations that host R&D high performance computing systems which are shared by the entire NOAA user community.

  • TerraViz - Data Visualization System

    Terraviz Handout image

    Terraviz allows fluid interation across time and space, providing a tool for exploring NOAA's vast collection of information.

  • Global Observing Systems Analysis (GOSA)

    GOSA Handout Image

    GOSA's mission is to maximize and optimize the uses of current and future global observations to improve numerical weather prediction forecast skill in NOAA's models.