Gencore Standalone

30 Day Free Trial Available - Gencore is a revolutionary, off-the-network solution for monitoring modern distributed applications such as microservices and containerized apps. Gencore understands the chatter between various application components in real-time, providing DevOps a holistic way to quickly detect & pinpoint service-level issues. Gencore's powerful content-driven analytics engine derives deep-insights from API calls, and yet requires no code modifications to existing applications or additional performance overheads, making it easy to install and adopt. With Gencore, cloud operators are able to confidently... Read more

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    Latest Version

    1.0* (Other available versions)

    Operating System

    Linux/Unix, Debian 8.1

    Delivery Method

    64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Read more)

    AWS Services Required

    Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS


    • Deep Visibility: Get real-time visibility down to the transaction level to track KPIs that matter.
    • User-centric Monitoring: Use our content-driven analytics to see how your app is performing for each user and tune your cloud application performance for different user profiles.
    • Complete Performance Picture: Provides a holistic view of your entire application & helps correlate metrics with a powerful drill-in/drill-across interface.

    Product Description

    Gencore is a revolutionary, off-the-network solution for monitoring modern distributed applications such as microservices and containerized apps. Gencore understands the chatter between various application components in real-time, providing DevOps a holistic way to quickly detect & pinpoint service-level issues. Gencore's powerful content-driven analytics engine derives deep-insights from API calls, and yet requires no code modifications to existing applications or additional performance overheads, making it easy to install and adopt. With Gencore, cloud operators are able to confidently deploy their applications multiple times a day, while keeping a close tab on performance drifts and subtle issues between deploys. Easy installation, intuitive user interface, powerful features & cost effectiveness make Gencore an ideal tool for today's distributed environments. In addition to a powerful on-board UI, Gencore integrates with ElasticSearch, allowing you to centrally collect event meta-data. Gencore is compatible with both Linux and Windows based environments. Here are some of the metrics that you would see with Gencore: Applications: API Calls (per URI, server, client), Error Codes, Response Times, Content Analytics (unique feature!), Networks: Connections, In vs Out Bytes (per protocol, server, client), DNS, Time to First Byte, Topologies Databases, Coming Soon: Slowest Queries, Top Queries, Response size, Time to last byte.

    Product Details

    • Version: 1.0*
    • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 08/31/2015

    Annual Subscription Details

    Annual software subscription requires one time up front payment with no ongoing charges, and covers all software fees for the selected instance type. Hourly AWS infrastructure usage fees still apply. Learn more about annual subscriptions


    Usage Instructions

    Once the instance is running, simply point your browser to the hostname to access the Gencore interface. You may ssh into the system anytime for maintainance. The username for ssh account is "admin".

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    Support Details

    Gencore Standalone

    Basic Support Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST/EST, Monday through Friday.

    Support Email:
    Support Phone Numbers:
    North America +1-408-914-2474

    AWS Infrastructure

    AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

    Refund Policy

    We do not currently support refunds, but you can cancel at any time.

    Annual Subscriptions:

    Annual subscription cancellations or downgrades are not supported. If you need help with or want to upgrade your subscriptions, please click here

    End User License Agreement

    By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).

    This product is currently unavailable.

    Pricing Details

    For Region

    Free Trial

    Try one instance of this product for 30 days. There will be no hourly software charges for that instance, but AWS infrastructure charges still apply. Free Trials will automatically convert to a paid hourly subscription upon expiration. Note that Free Trials are only applicable for hourly subscriptions, but you can opt to purchase an annual subscription at any time.

    Software Pricing:

    Hourly Fees

    Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

    Software annual pricing savings over hourly: 12% - 99%

    EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
    t2.small $0.01/hr $0.023/hr $0.033/hr
    m3.medium $0.60/hr $0.067/hr $0.667/hr
    m3.large $1.10/hr $0.133/hr $1.233/hr
    m3.xlarge $1.68/hr $0.266/hr $1.946/hr
    m3.2xlarge $2.86/hr $0.532/hr $3.392/hr
    c3.large $1.10/hr $0.105/hr $1.205/hr
    c3.xlarge $1.68/hr $0.21/hr $1.89/hr
    c3.2xlarge $2.86/hr $0.42/hr $3.28/hr
    c3.4xlarge $5.005/hr $0.84/hr $5.845/hr
    c3.8xlarge $8.84/hr $1.68/hr $10.52/hr
    c4.large $1.10/hr $0.10/hr $1.20/hr
    c4.xlarge $1.68/hr $0.199/hr $1.879/hr
    c4.2xlarge $2.86/hr $0.398/hr $3.258/hr
    c4.4xlarge $5.005/hr $0.796/hr $5.801/hr
    c4.8xlarge $8.84/hr $1.591/hr $10.431/hr
    m4.large $1.10/hr $0.108/hr $1.208/hr
    m4.xlarge $1.68/hr $0.215/hr $1.895/hr
    m4.2xlarge $2.86/hr $0.431/hr $3.291/hr
    m4.4xlarge $5.005/hr $0.862/hr $5.867/hr
    m4.10xlarge $8.84/hr $2.155/hr $10.995/hr

    EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

    • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

    Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

    Learn about instance types

    Data Transfer Fees not included

    Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

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